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Everything posted by row_33

  1. one win the next two games would be great
  2. yes, step back wait a microsecond, then run for your life i accept sometimes this is sometimes a designed play or legit option when he knows it's busted up but he has to stand back there and read and lead his targets and take a hit once in awhile, the way elite winning QBs have done it and will do it.
  3. they throw a tiny pebble at the GOP, then the GOP buries them in an avalanche of manure fully backed up by evidence can't wait for this to be dealt out in total righteousness
  4. waste caused by each method is to be considered, i don't see it honestly displayed by green activists
  5. love, friends, poetry, philosophy, religion all have their place in way higher ranking than science for most of our existence and inner thoughts
  6. the case piled against him looks pretty bad that's why we allow a D and under-oath cross-examination to winnow out the facts from the accusations an amazing process
  7. what a life, do nothing, drugged up, a major player, get handed $50,000 a month jobs for no good reason...
  8. better than the time they sent me to the video store to get the movie FIST they meant the Sylvester Stallone one but the store gave me another one it was awful
  9. tying a chicken sandwich to holiness and righteousness was a great PR stunt for CFA it's coming to an end swiftly, church folk really resent finding out the truth about a fast food joint...
  10. yeah.... how many pro-ready high schoolers are there? ones that seriously can step in and make a difference without 2-3 years of learning the pro game? the Euro kids are a different matter, they are honed on the modern game a lot better than their US counterparts tossing away a chance at an education over a pipe dream of playing in the NBA is not something that the NCAA should be encouraging
  11. stats mean very little in comparing WRs from prior to the 1990s actually you could deduct 1/2 to 2/3 of their yards in the current QB-friendly era because until 1978 a DB was able to do anything he wanted to a WR, including knock him out cold or paralyze him for life.
  12. this will have to cut into their business, the church folk were a massive part of the company support
  13. Roone knew it was all you had to watch at the time for sports they put the screws to viewers until the last 10 years with the basic monopoly on viewing CBS used to get away with 2 Matlock and Columbo episodes and call them "Movie Specials" they ran the Matlock/Columbo Movie Special when the NBA Final games were playing and showed the games at 1 or 2 in the morning well into the 1980s... CTV and CBC wouldn't show the first period of the Hockey Night in Canada game for a long time, screw the fans over, one night a brawl caused a major delay and fans got to tune in only 5 minutes into the game
  14. not if the Cowboys take over early
  15. i see the Equal Rights Amendment is possibly back again, all they needed was a few more states, the pro side is arguing the closeout date of 7 years (starting in 1972) should be disregarded...
  16. when impeachment does not kill Trump, it makes him stronger
  17. no sweat against this pretender leading that dumpster fire NFC East
  18. the toadies sitting with him are calculating how best to off themselves
  19. everything is calculated differently in each business and then there's real estate....
  20. hire this crew from the Laff-A-Limpics
  21. yup so ABC came up with this and then told us how it was the most amazing thing ever, almost cured every disease known to man mediocre MNF football games and Muhammad Ali carrying some load for 15 rounds... nothing was better than that ever, all on ABC
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