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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Best comment is Yang will pay you $1,000 not to shovel the snow
  2. think they can win today?
  3. I few times in sports I saw red and could have hurt another real bad
  4. My incomprehensible talent to a SO was sitting at the Friday friendly poker table for 10 straight hours
  5. you are fortunate you don’t have to sit there in the car or at the mall while they will only be “half an hour at the most”
  6. we get college bowl games to stare at with MUTE on to get us through unwanted holiday visits oh good, Directional Michigan plays some Other School at 7pm, hope it numbs me through
  7. ND/USC hasn’t been a consistent rivalry since John McKay went to coach the expansion Buccaneers The odd game has mattered the last 43 or so years
  8. had to do it one year, found a spot to park and walked the half hour to the store, put on blinders and went only for the purchase and walked back and never again
  9. Should be some good games next week for B1G vs ACC teams, heading into conference play. Vols/VCU at 4pm is the best on paper today
  10. Duke back on top after beating Winthrop or Winchester or Whatever did they rush the floor and cut down the nets?
  11. the genius of Coach K to lose to freakin' SFA at home? applause, eternal applause.... yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. we just accepted that 98% of us will be elves all our lives 1% will be powerful 1% will just smoke a doobie all day long
  13. beats the ones of LeBron kowtowing
  14. you think those two have talked recently?
  15. liberal media always covers up important truths Wisconsin is a Dem state, anything accomplished by the GOP there is almost miraculous so Dem that Hillary knew it was in the bag and never visited
  16. he was great at pompously mugging for the adoring media
  17. the toughest bunch of all-talk ever collected at that place
  18. there's a dead bear out back that you can come and have whatever congress you want with it knock yerself out
  19. that's nothing, media and Dems have accused Trump of at least 10 times that committed this month
  20. (it's the best being Generation X)
  21. the best thing about this is Boomers (like Hillary Clinton) went around thinking they were the most woke and holy people ever to live they were going to change the world.....
  22. I thought Newsweek was out of business? https://twitter.com/donaldjtrumpjr/status/1200189112952795139 … BOW DOWN TO THE KING OF SHADE!!! (the Queen being Mother Jefferson)
  23. as McCain got into a petulant grimace and started getting real mean when questioned
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