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Everything posted by row_33

  1. Or maybe you can be the next Keith Richards, but without honing a skill, in huge demand, through thousands and thousands of hours in his own way of incredible self-discipline, ironically
  2. well, one can find a job building things with the hands, or interpreting data or dealing with people that’s about it in life, I recommend one go with math as far as they can to get the data job the others are fulfilling as well, but if you have a brain then get into interpreting symbols for people
  3. if you want a job here you better show you can do an honest days work, kiddo Rolling your eyes and mumbling like a mental patient won’t cut it with people outside friends or bloodlines
  4. Rob, please delete the box of crap Tibs typed on your response, unless it’s really useful or funny
  5. I’m kinda not feeling good about mocking a painfully beyond relevance old man man who can barely keep his dentures in, but he’s all the party has as their messiah
  6. social science demanded it be taken as seriously as chemistry for prediction of future events trouble is all is seems to do is reflect trendy postures And chemistry is hard, you have to sit down quietly and read and study it... you won’t grasp the subject with social media surfing for a minute or so And they will test you real hard and 49 pages of emotional BS won’t get you an A with the wrong answer
  7. lotsa luck kid, don’t envy you even 1 percent.....
  8. Theory is fun and games, the reality of gaining the acceptance of real people is hard
  9. So if the Senate was Dem majority then Trump would be kicked out without a shred of credible evidence presented? careful what you wish for liberals.... you won’t last two seconds in a real crisis, you never have before...
  10. I would expect rebellion in one’s early years, it was kind of strange watching my peers accept things without a battle so what is reality, your parents and school and people who honestly care about you ?
  11. fourth level of VD as well
  12. ——— Watched an All in the Family on the weekend and Archie and Mike are having a sit down Archie agrees things are troubling and asks Mike what his generation’s solutions or plans are and Mike says they don’t need them because Archie’s generation is to blame yup, thought so....even 50 years ago....
  13. helps to have even the remotest of religious upbringing to try to ground someone in their adult years tossing all history and writings and learning of the best minds into the trash leads to.... well... this kind of culture...
  14. Female 2s have it in their minds that I’m going to marry them just by looking at me....
  15. A good 5 cent cigar is the next point on Joe’s platform
  16. It’s the game they play I've been on the D for four attempts to convict executives and three of them were tossed after trial, one was a total railroading and that’s just how it goes
  17. Hopefully one big game this weekend isn’t gar-baaaaaahge-time by the half
  18. Ha never heard about this one until now, despite 50 years of watching and reading about the game Jack Scott didn’t mention it during his heyday
  19. every news angle outside of Fox shows Trump has been totally convicted and should be removed from office tomorrow
  20. Hoho heehee haha its a liberal Dem family move along, they are totally above the law...
  21. Without even a pretend moral code of rule of law or a religion they go solely by their emotions and resentments built up over decades
  22. keep telling the Millenials not to pick their nose, even in secret, builds a bad habit that will sink them when they start to slip a bit.... I’d walk by the senior audit partner offices and a few of them randomly would be spelunking up their nostrils panning for gold
  23. like they seriously tell themselves that people with a job and brain will sit there and pay attention to their crap for 15 solid minutes of their day? They have already written the total hit piece on the man, why pretend anything will even be remotely fair?
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