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Everything posted by row_33

  1. hasn't been that much attention in Wisky since radicals bombed a building at UW-Wisconsin, killing a prof and wounding others
  2. Rep Swalwell died yesterday, most noted for farting during an interview on TV.
  3. Silver fluked out totally and got appointed a god by the liberal media it was like the guy who won the March Madness pool with George Mason in the Final Four, but he made a huge error as he really meant for George Washington (more plausible that year) to go the distance
  4. we already had this going on in the 60s and 70s
  5. used to be the US left was revolutionaries with a return ticket, now they won't even leave their air conditioned office
  6. c'mon brother!!! gotta find the strength to carry on now!!!
  7. who was to win in 2016, V.I. Lenin or the reptilian Hillary? Those who are really convinced that they have made progress in science would not demand freedom for the new views to continue side by side with the old, but the substitution of the new views for the old.
  8. revolutionaries that never visited the land they infected
  9. good to hear a success story
  10. for sure you showed up at the right time to solve a real problem for her and continue to do so, that's what it all boils down to unless you work for a place that requires nothing from you
  11. just invite only the undefeated conference champs, and if there is room for maybe 1 more, then have an extra game
  12. "treason" - definition I didn't like the result of an election, so I'm going to lay down and scream like a 5-year old denied a candy bar in the grocery check-out line for 8-12 years
  13. all kinds of $$$ and goodies (like an expresso maker) to take home from the campaign
  14. fortunately it will require a supermajority of states to do this..... not a hope of that happening
  15. yup, better to be hired by people you will be working with daily
  16. still too soon.... like invoking Maybin....
  17. that's awful... and how it sadly goes sometimes... a few years back they fired all the accounting students that didn't pass their pre-final exams that was 14 of the 15 in the bullpen, the only one who passed was a good friend and they told him they despised him and he had 60 days to find another job 3 of the 14 were on vacation (and transferring to another firm office) when the news came, and didn't find out until day one at the new job... one friend had a good meeting on a Friday with his boss that ended at 4"30pm and he went home and a voice mail at 4:32 from the boss said he was fired... one managing partner went around with an employee list and clipboard to see who was still at their desk/cubicle at 5:30pm most Friday afternoons, what a dick...
  18. sounds good but I will chime in that Oklahoma has a lot of political pull........
  19. hope that Schiff got the schiff beat out of him every day at recess and all through high school
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