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Everything posted by row_33

  1. ------------------------ no Sybian ride today on the show for Hillary? hope it wasn't worse than the usual Howard stuff... ROBERT PLANT!!! do you remembers these songs?? plays Stairway to Heaven and The Ocean then asks Robert is he ever had a sexual attraction to Jimmy Page... the horror....
  2. what could be a worse finish? she goes boo-hoo-hoo and can't ever give her concession speech?
  3. there's been rumors for some of them....
  4. they'll need 3 vans filled with look-a-likes to come bouncing out 2 minutes after she collapses and is carried to the van
  5. so is Hillary running or will she just milk all the publicity at the expense of her Party?
  6. you have to put some $$$ on the matter ahead of time.... no respect for fans who quote AGS and pretend they cared...
  7. It ruined the fun when Tua went down, took all the spark out of cheering/hating the team. At least there are worthy replacements in the SEC this year as we all await to see how good Clemson really is.... Alabama is a proud program and has been there for so many important games of my watching and attending of games (saw them at Fayetteville in 2000) Look forward to jeering them next season.
  8. helps us grasp that The Donald probably has the highest number of pictures taken with people at events and parties, considering his NYC status since the late 1970s?
  9. i would want more sweetener than that to bet on the Bills winning straight up is not good enough
  10. 6.5 underdog just means what "the market" of gamblers have settled on as the hoped for equilibrium point
  11. of course Trump will refuse to leave if he loses in 2020, it's the only just thing to do
  12. that Marci woman still writing the script?
  13. it's the most free and open era for information and discussion eveer there are 100s of great websites and other means to deliver intelligent conversation and study.... if you are stuck in a horrible rut, get out of it, all you have to do is stop volunteering for that rut...
  14. gone the way of? (it's always been that way, just that everyone thinks they are the first to discover it.... so cute and sweet people are built this way....)
  15. what did Trump do.... IT"S EVIL!!!! but this is how it's done... they give that liberal 10,000 mile stare as they get the strength to totally ignore that statement....
  16. most kids knew who the creeps were and to avoid any time with them...
  17. Howard is leading a Revolution of no more bull####!! he can't be bought
  18. if at first you don't succeed, scream and pout and cry and create fake impeachment hearings
  19. great to see their strategy is to run a solid candidate in 2020 to take on Trump
  20. hopefully we take this for granted the next 3-5 years or so
  21. i hear this is the design for the new Mt. Rushmore after Trump leaves office i'm trying to grow me that Engels beard, after 3 months it will be wiser to settle for something a bit more substantive than the Lenin
  22. the RC church covering up for it, simply moving the offending to another location, deserves all the earthly punishment that can be dished out had to sit on a few disciplinary panels for churches, one of the worst things to do in life, mostly adultery matters leading to immediately un-ordination and firing. had a few cases for alleged financial mishandlings as well
  23. grateful i haven't listened to Howard for at least 5 years now... to hear what he's reduced to would be painful
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