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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. Didn't this just happen with Seattle? I believe they only received a warning.
  2. It can't really be considered a cooking show at all, but I LOVED watching Super Market Sweep when I was a kid. Great gameshow.
  3. I am glad there seems to finally be one main throat to choke (coach McDermott) with everyone working towards his vision. I didn't really care if it was the coach, GM, or a czar type, I wanted a singular vision. This appears to be the closest we have been to this in some time.
  4. The driver only did what most of us fantasize about doing. I've mentioned in another thread that I don't feel as much rage from cyclists while I'm driving (unless they are cutting me off, hogging a lane on a busy street, doing other normal DB cyclist stuff) but rather when I'm walking and they are ringing their stupid bells or shaking their stupid condescending heads because my dog and I cannot see behind us and had the audacity to be walking in their path. Get off the highway Lance. We aren't in France.
  5. I lose interest in food/cooking shows easily without a competitive element. Chopped is my favorite.
  6. They were very forgettable. The wheel keeps turning without them.
  7. Scorching take.
  8. I'm taking the Corleones as well. Completely agree that the Cicero gang was sloppy. Not real professionals. As for the Sopranos...I finally watched all of them a couple years ago. It didn't live up to the decade of hype I was subject to before finally watching it, although it was a solid show.
  9. Porterhouse MR with bacon bleu topper. South African Lobster Tail Yukon Mashed Potatoes Well seasoned asparagus I'd like a good red to wash it down.
  10. This thread is ridiculous. There is absolutely no way a TV star can or should be president. Dwayne needs to stay in his lane.
  11. I would argue that the environment is ripe for an independent who's campaign was built upon opposition to that very brand of politics. But, that could be a ways off still or maybe I am still naive. Technology has cleared at least some of the hurdles third party candidates experience.
  12. To be fair, while I'm completely against the NFL's ridiculous marijuana rule, the first offenses for failing tests carry pretty minimal punishments. If the above referenced were repeat offenders it would probably escalate to Gordon's point far quicker. I do feel for guy's who had unbelievable earning potential only to be blackballed by a marijuana addiction, which is barely anything, but yet there is a level of personal responsibility here.
  13. I have already identified that as my worst nightmare. I agree with you on most of these points. The media has hurt its' cause more than they've helped it. (so many problems with the fact this sentence makes sense). I still think Trump is actually great for the Democrats' prospects looking forward. Much better than Hillary would have been.
  14. I'm not ignoring your essay request by the way, just don't feel like devoting the time right now. Oh well. To the above quote...hard to judge considering main stream media outlets we all encounter are primarily firmly left slanted. But how can I forget gems about Obama the muslim not born in America. Or Obama didn't really go to Harvard. Or any of the other drivel out there. You should at least admit you love liberal bashing.
  15. I was in the sixth grade when GWB was elected. What proceded was eight years of dems and the liberal media thrashing him every step of the way. Then Obama was elected and what proceded was the right thrashing him every step of the way. Here we are with Trump...guess what happens next. I think it's funny that both sides upon their candidates victories all of a sudden decide, "common guy and gals, let's grow up now and get stuff done.", while the other side is comprised of whiney children until the roles are reversed.
  16. You've completely missed the point, congratulations.
  17. But you had eight years to revel in the stupidity of your foes. Everyone is supposed to grow up now? For the record I agree with you, but it's been a vicious cycle we have all fed into. It hasn't been long since my former forum of choice was eliminated, but I noticed quickly that you LOVE zingers towards liberals and the politicians that represent them.
  18. Yes, I want less people to be better off if more people are out of destitution. If the increased tax revenue is used wisely the economy will be fine, mistrust of government aside. Trump is pushing to boost spending although I am skeptical of that paired with tax cuts, but we'll see.
  19. Higher taxation, larger/more involved government, more social programs, etc. Pretty run of the mill left wing ****. Trump at least likes spending.
  20. Fair points. I have argued this with people. I absolutely can't stand Trump. I think he's a total embarrassment almost every day. Did you hear he invented the phrase "prime the pump?" lol. BUTTTTTT The chain of succession is rife with real conservatives. That's far worse for my liberal causes.
  21. At the end of the day it's a very personal decision, but I wouldn't sweat the staffing agency angle. My significant other is a staffing manager so I've got to learn quite a bit about that business. It's in everyone's interest for you to work out so as long as you are a productive employee there won't be an issue.
  22. I had a professor who loved to track days considered "sunny days" in Buffalo vs. Orlando, FL. It was usually a toss up most years, although I never verified whether he was correctly tracking it and took his word for it.
  23. I used to be on Gordon's side, but how many chances can you give a guy?
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