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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. I disagree. Last year he put up approx 325 fantasy points (espn scoring list). Take away weeks 1-7 (bye week is in there) and you have around a 200 point player. You can get 200 pt RBs in rounds 3-4. The second round where he is getting drafted has plenty of better rb or WR options, plus then you aren't forced to reach early on McFadden. A suspension reduction would blow up my argument. My draft is Labor Day weekend so I hope the picture is clear by then.
  2. I can't argue with this. I will say the Harbor Center Marriott is very nice and isn't a bad choice. Downside is I know it to be pretty pricey for what you're getting.
  3. For a guy who is looking at missing over 50% of the fantasy season, he is still being drafted way too high in mocks I've looked at. I'm assuming some optimism about a reduced suspension is baked in, but I would not want to bet on that myself.
  4. I have a fine understanding of human motivations and I try not to keep up with everyone's different definitions of what constitutes a moral person. I have consistently lashed out against disingenuous social justice warriors seeking pats on the back and acceptance from the online hoard. These are the people that have pushed me away from the Democrats. But the community is the ultimate form of self-preservation. I have skills which are valuable, however there are too many skills necessary in life to individually possess. I need others and others need me. Having a community and a government that fosters the well-being of those within it is important to my preservation and my family's. I have my feet on the ground. Debating with idealougues was a pastime I gave up after college. They all have reached a superior intellectual plane...just ask them.
  5. It's called a community. Yes, communities force a certain level of participation in ALL. I'm leaving the Democratic Party specifically because they are taking it too far to the realm of social engineering, but the other extreme is just as ridiculous. Before you start quoting the Old Testament...spare me. I understand the subtle differences between the " me me me" progressives and the "me me me" libertarians. I'm an "us" kind of guy.
  6. Yet, the BS pep rally rhetoric you consistently peddle feeds right into the left-right divide and gives rise to the very people you are fighting against. Aristotle figured out the golden path a long time ago...
  7. The guy is getting his fifteen minutes, which was probably the goal all along.
  8. I wish I cared about anything as much as the crazies on both sides care about their respective causes. Probably because I'm not living in a perpetual state of victimization. Am I victim shaming now?
  9. This episode reaffirmed my opinion of the betrayal by love coming from Tyrion, though I don't necessarily think Dany will lose that exchange. Completely agree. Setting up for a dramatic reveal of the truth and subsequent queen slaying.
  10. Exactly. Three years is an eternity in the NFL. If you didn't want him, whatever, but don't reference signability as an issue. You're just going on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  11. Agreed. You cross your fingers that a WR talent like Watkins is available for you to draft. You already had one on your team. I would have also picked up the fifth year option. Between that and the tag I fail to see how "Sammy was going to leave anyway" really would have came into play. The potential for injury angle is overblown. Anyone can get injured at any time. Ex. Jordan Matthews
  12. Another horrible incident. It's a shame. Far right...far left... doesn't matter. We have too many people living in chronic states of victimhood.
  13. Downgraded with a net of draft picks. Definitely leaning more towards tanky than competitive. No big deal they should just own it and take it further.
  14. I don't hate the moves or love them, but in either case I don't see how there's any argument against it being a tank move. At this point you should just commit to it further.
  15. I'll be excited next year, but it's looking like a throwaway year for the people in charge.
  16. I'd say four games or more would make me pass on him at the #3 pick. Anything less, I'm still taking him there.
  17. I don't expect Cersei to survive the final events. For me, I always theorized Jamie would in fact turn on Cersei and he would be a kingslayer (queen) twice. I also thought it could be Arya, but her decision to head North at the crossroads has me firmly leaning towards the former. In any case....I am extremely pumped for these last three episodes this year. Extended run times the rest of the way. The last two episodes are record lengths.
  18. I don't think he bends the knee to Cersei. I think Jamie is the one to eventually end Cersei and Tyrion is involved somehow. I've also never really bought into the "Tyrion is Aerys Targaryen's son", although it fits nicely into the dragon rider angle so I could be wrong.
  19. I remember her wrestling with the fact his betrayal didn't really fit. His betrayal was in no way motivated by love, nor did she ever love him. Also, Martin is the king of sending readers down dead ends. With all the love interests Dany has had over the seasons, I think it would be fitting for the love betrayal to have a different meaning than one would expect. Just a theory.
  20. It would depend on the circumstances. If Dany wants Jamie dead, Tyrion saving his brother's life would certainly be a betrayal. I agree with your second point, but I've always thought that Jamie would be the one to finish Cersei. Tyrion could betray Dany (how or the extent of which is anyone's guess), align with Jamie, and the two of them could eliminate their sister: The stage is set with Jamie now knowing for certain that Tyrion did not poison Joffrey.
  21. I think Tyrion betrays Dany. An article this morning jarred my memory about the Dany being betrayed three times (it's been four or five years now since I've read the books). One betrayal will be for love...Tyrion's love for his brother. I didn't consider this angle until this past episode and the preview highlighted his internal conflict.
  22. I'm most interested in Peterman.
  23. Tyrion seemed very conflicted watching foreign invaders slaughtering the Westerosi. He also appeared conflicted during the preview while Dany is asking a group to bend the knee. I'm not sure what to make of this yet, but it's stuck in my head.
  24. Yes, this was the worst weather game I have attended in nearly ten years as a season ticket holder. The only other thing in the same ballpark was the blizzard game in Cleveland that I drove to. The sheer volume of snow for that elevates it, but I'd still take that over the freezing rain at the Giants game. One of the reasons that game is so memorable for me, was that I left during the third quarter because I was literally shivering and couldn't wait to get home. Upon arrival my power was knocked out from the storm and all I could do was crawl into a cold bed in a cold house and hope my blankets would heat me up. It was horrible.
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