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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. You're forcing people to go low these days.
  2. I feel like they knew they (show writers) wanted the Night King to kill/raise a dragon and then had to work towards that outcome. The mission felt a little contrived and ridiculous. This seems to finally kill the Tyrion is a Targ theory. They no longer need a third dragon rider.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking last night, lol. Beric seems to love setting that sword ablaze, but won't do it to keep the guy that keeps bringing you back to life warm? I'm interested to see what Cersei has up her sleeves for this meeting of the minds next week.
  4. He's been in the league for 7 years. We already know what he is...much better than last night (the line was soooo bad), but still lacking in areas. He's an average guy. I think many of us want better and know we need better.
  5. I'm on my fifth beer and I'm irrationally caring about them winning this B word.
  6. Looks like we have a decent receiver on our hands.
  7. The truth is these instances are incredibly rare and also incredibly difficult (more like impossible) to completely prevent. How would you snuff them all out? As soon as you attempt to you give them a new rally cry to remobilize. I really do feel for the families. Ignoring them or taking the "WWJD" approach is best. As far as I see it, everything has a tax. You want the freedoms we enjoy? Well you're going to pay for it having to deal with situations like this. You want the second amendment? Well you're going to have some gun violence. Is the tax worth it? That's for the public to decide and communicate through elected officials. I see you reference these people as gang members. I think that's a solid analogy. Look into why most people join gangs and you'll find a lot of commonalities. I'd venture a great majority of the Neo Nazi's are dump people from dumb stock who were prone to gang affiliation. It's just taking this specific form.
  8. Joe B's glowing comments about Zay Jones in his camp awards column has me extremely intrigued. I'd like to see something from him tonight.
  9. If the counter protesters came armed with songs like the vigil last night, the Nazi's protest and message is trounced twelvefold. That's what peaceful protest looks like. It shouldn't be so hard to both hate white supremicists while also recognizing the leftist protests of late have done damage to the liberal cause in general. Not saying liberals shouldn't fight out against hate, but only to closely consider the strategy. Remember that the crime was committed when the car rammed into people, not before.
  10. The Pamunkey should show up chanting blood and soil at the next flare up. Just to lighten the mood.
  11. Filter basins need to be flushed. Unfortunate timing, but weak thread and article.
  12. It certainly appears to be headed that way.
  13. Everyone is condemning hate groups. I just think most reasonable people recognize that protestors on the left are getting out of control. Don't tell me you're a peaceful counter protester and then show up with riot gear. It's as disingenuous as telling me Watkins isn't on the Bills over signability. Not even to mention the best way of dealing with the neo-nazis is to ignore them completely. Let them scare away all the mosquitoes with their citronella torches, scream at each other, and then go back to whatever holes they crawled out of. Boom...neutralized.
  14. Ehh she's alright. I'd say yes, but there's been better recently.
  15. I just think if they had interest in keeping him long term they would have picked up his option. It doesn't appear that they are interested in committing big money to a receiver until they get QB taken care of. I would have kept him to help out my future rookie QB's development, but I don't think Beane is in that line of thought.
  16. I would bet my house on that not happening.
  17. Trump is an idiot. Even when there is some substance, his delivery just comes off poorly. I'm struggling with this one though. I hate any form of racial suprecmists. The white nationalists at that rally were a bunch of ignorant losers. BUTTTTTTTT....the leftist counter protesters are out of control and make a mockery out of the position they claim to espouse. Where can a poor left/center guy turn to these days? Once again though....Trump is clown.
  18. Sure that's fair, but don't go on about signability then. Pointing to signability is disingenuous when you purposely turned away from a path that would give you control for at least three more years. My biggest argument against the trade is the rookie QB they are desperate to get next year. That rookie would be in a better position to succeed with a talent at receiver like Watkins. They'll be chasing a WR later when you already had one on the roster.
  19. I still hate the Watkins trade. I'm not really buying the spin coming from the FO. You still were pegged as. 6.5 win team with Watkins and already accumulated an extra first. Go ahead and still make the Darby trade. Is the second we got for Watkins the difference in getting the QB in 18? Probably not. If you are trying to move him to accumulate AND win less games...well that's tanking. Spare me signability. The situation they were in was self inflicted by not picking up the option. You would have had three full years with him (yes at a high pay, but you are already getting younger anyway) and that's basically an eternity in the NFL. When you draft your QB, and the fan base is dumping nearly twenty years of frustration on some poor kid in his early twenties, wouldn't you want a talent like Watkins to be catching balls from him? The injury argument is also a spin. You can say that about anyone. Matthews is already banged up!
  20. I'm getting what you guys are saying but still can't stomach him in the second. Maybe the late second round, but someone will be silly and take him before that.
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