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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. The gun culture has been ingrained for a couple hundred years, it won't easily be undone. If you abolished the second Ammendment today (laughable to even think of) there would be a tremendous amount of pain in the near term. You can use your imagination on that. I would argue once you get a couple generations in you'd start to see progress, but everyone is living for today. You would still have the criminally insane to deal with, it would just take a different form. The way I figure, everything has a tax. You want freedom to bear firearms? Well situations like Vegas is the tax you pay. We'd pay a different one if that right was abolished. The price we pay for our firearm culture isn't worth it to me, but I'm one person with one set of experiences. Firearms have saved families too, so it's complicated.
  2. Despite some statistical inaccuracies, the Buffalo is getting better narrative is superior to the Buffalo still sucks narrative. You're not going to find a lot of supporters considering your delivery.
  3. I was there too, absolutely horrible. To be fair, as soon as they broke that 80 yard TD run at the beginning of the game I turned to my buddy and said "ohh we are going to get THAT Bills team today." I don't think EJ had even seen the field yet.
  4. Haven't seen it yet, but apart from The Wrestler, I've always been underwhelmed by Aronofsky's movies.
  5. Is it ridiculous of me to get to 11-5 easily?
  6. I went to his show in Queens this summer and I'm glad I did. Thanks for all the great music over the years...
  7. I'm not ready to bury Arians, but that was in fact the worst challenge I've ever seen. Someone gave him very bad information.
  8. I feel like social media and the way some of these videos have gotten national attention has clouded the issue for many people. I've been a season ticket holder for ten years now. I have noticed a huge improvement in the last several years, not just this year. You wouldn't know it with the way they find a couple gem videos and portray all fans in that light, but with that many people in one area you can find whatever experience you are looking for.
  9. I'm not going to overreact if they can't beat one of the best teams in the league on the road. I WILL overreact if they do win!
  10. A lot of football left to play. Yesterday was a quality win. I'm intrigued moving forward.
  11. There were several people who gobbled that up and argued our receiver core was in fact better this year.
  12. I hated the trade as soon as it was announced and nothing to date has changed my mind. It is clear that they want to find a QB in the draft next year. Why wouldn't you want a talent like Watkins to assist in your rookie's development? It continues to feel like a move born more from hubris than strategic thought. Maybe that extra second is the difference in getting high enough to take the guy they want, and then the jokes on me, but I don't agree with trading young elite talent at receiver if I'm tossing a rookie to the wolves next year. Some fans even had the gall to claim our receiver core was BETTER this year. It never ceases to amaze me how Bills fans can rally behind any questionable move made and pounce on anyone who questions it.
  13. Maybe I'm in the minority, but apart from Murphy's sponsored content, I like all of the shows. Some people want extensive X's and O's football talk...well that would make for very boring listening and turn away the majority of us. Some people want only football, others only hockey... you can't please everyone. If you don't like the shows don't listen.
  14. I bought, while drunk online shopping (important qualifier), a replica of Ned Stark's great sword "Ice". It's about five ft long and completely useless. My soon to be wife has condemned it to a sad fate in the basement where it will remain.
  15. Must be cool to have good memories. My memory of the Bills 49'rs was a 10-3 game that I consider the worst game I have ever seen.
  16. http://screenrant.com/jon-snow-beric-donadarrion-alive-dead/ Found someone else writing along my line of thinking. Its tough to separate Martin and the books from what we are seeing now, although it is probably best to do so.
  17. I don't buy the Bran is the NK theory, but also I hope the endgame of his role and abilities isn't simply so Jon knows his lineage. I think he'll have a big part to play in the final events. I still understand Jon to be dead and brought back by Mellisandre (her a servent of a deity) until his role is fulfilled. I have always thought Jon will be humanity's savior against the dead, but also that once the battle is over his role will be fulfilled and will cease being alive. I figured this would lead into a dramtic martyr type situation where Jon will sacrifice himself to save mankind. Martin, for what it's worth, has criticized Tolkien for making death negotiable. He references Gandolf and the Balrog, and although that isn't really a good argument considering Gandolf is not a human in Tolkien's universe, it does provide insight into how Martin may have wanted to deal with Jon. Just my opinion.
  18. I just read that the final season could be in 2019. I had no idea that it possibly wouldn't be ready next summer.
  19. Yuck, kid must have been out for a good story.
  20. I should really read the books again when I have time. It's been so long that I barely remember details like this.
  21. I assumed at this point it was one of Martin's dead ends. Maybe it will come into play if he finishes the books.
  22. It looks like it could be a long season...
  23. Ya I don't know, but I agree I can't remember an episode I had so many problems with. I'm not going to overreact, but I hated the entire mission in general. They already knew wights don't travel individually. The entire premise was ridiculous. I said earlier, feel like they wrote themselves towards a desired conclusion that they couldn't figure out how to get to. It doesn't matter that it's fantasy.
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