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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. Sure you can artificially boost these jobs and industries back, but it’s just robbing Peter to pay Paul.
  2. To me I would say a modification is not a firearm and thus wouldn’t be guaranteed under the second, but I’m in mechanical contracting and not constitutional law. We’ll see if they even attempt legislation, I imagine this conversation will die down again soon enough.
  3. You lost me at Ron Paul... But anway is a bump stock even an “arm”? If representation does in fact craft a bill to ban sales of them and Trump signs it, how would the court interpret that? It’s a very different climate than 2010 despite it being not that long ago. I’m really asking here how you think they would interpret it I’m not pretending to know.
  4. "The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations," the NRA said in a statement in October. They are not gun grabbers.
  5. I’m assuming very few of those were legal firearms, but the conversation was age vs. likelihood of gun violence, so I feel the correlation stands. If if we are trying to limit the cases of school shootings (I will grant I was too unfocused with mass shootings) I feel like limiting ownership at younger ages is a fair debate. Increasing the drinking age led to fewer accidents involving drunk driving. But yes, that was not in the Bill of Rights. Isn’t it one of the Scandanavian countries?
  6. FBI Supplementary Homicide report: Persons aged 18-20 made up 4.24% of the US Population and were the primary offender in 17.16% of all gun homicides for which the age of the offender was known. 18-20 year olds commit gun homicides at a rate nearly four times higher than adults 21 and older. Would age restriction this stop mass shootings? No, but I would still support it.
  7. In my small slice of life, I would actually argue feelings aren’t as divided. Some of my biggest pro gun rights friends and coworkers are open to conversations on increasing the age requirements and looking closely at how we are securing schools. We all live together, conversations shouldn’t freak people out.
  8. You keep putting words in my mouth that legal ownership is a cause...it isn’t. If you just don’t think any of this is a big enough issue to do ANYTHING, then sure that’s a consistent opinion. I would say your opinion is becoming the minority one today. Increasing the age limit a couple years isn’t any real assault on your rights. To say otherwise is mostly fear mongering.
  9. Umm Parkland? It’s obviously a complex issue, but having conversations about it shouldn’t scare people. Obviously the nightclub shooting or Vegas would still have happened. Causing the shootings is a very strong statement. The ability for an 18-20 year old to buy a gun is not the CAUSE of shootings. I just think stricter limits, on age ranges most agree are more prone to emotional outbursts, makes sense.
  10. Before anyone points to the bill of rights...yes I understand the right to drive a vehicle is not found there, BUT I got my license at age 16....yet it was a conditional license (couldn’t drive past 9:00pm, etc.). Even if you don’t support a federal age minimum at 21, can’t we at least make some conditions to gun ownership at younger ages? Additionally wait times, proof of safety courses, etc? Something!?
  11. Last I checked, full autos for personal ownership are not federally legal. Since when...the 80’s? I get you are not modifying into a true fully automatic rifle, but if it’s having a similar effect we are splitting hairs. Are you arguing otherwise?
  12. I like the minimum age being raised to 21 and legislation on bump stocks, especially considering they are designed to circumvent existing regulation. The increased age requirement is my favorite, I think there is enough appetite for it even among gun owners.
  13. Props to Trump! I’m sure he’ll change his mind twenty more times, but I like what he’s putting out on the issue right now.
  14. Law is the law, but she was only a few years older. This isn’t sleeping with an 8th grader crazy. Some decent lookers lately.
  15. Doesn’t anyone WORK anymore!!!
  16. At the heart of it he’s a people pleaser. I don’t think it’s much more than that quite honestly.
  17. That’s an interesting thought. Are you referring to the bump stock ban he threatened via EO?
  18. .@POTUS: “I’d rather have you come down on the strong side instead of the weak side. The weak side would be much easier. I’d rather have you come up with a strong, strong bill, and really strong on background checks.”
  19. I’m waiting on Conservatives’ comments... How would this statement have been received if it came from the former administration? I think“meltdown” wouldn’t do it justice...
  20. “Take the gun first, go through due process second.” - The Don Thoughts conservatives?
  21. Trump supporting age increase, bump stock ban (even if it takes EO), and bolstering the background check system!! Can’t stop him from winning over gun nuts. Winning!
  22. I’m in full cynic mode with this lousy franchise. Sadly, we look several years away. I am among the guilty of being duped by the former GM. It’s actually pretty shocking in hindsight how poorly some of the decisions panned out. The reason I see a long rebuild has always been the current roster. Between their apparent apathy most nights on the ice and observed behavior from time to time around the local bar scene, I don’t see a lot of maturity or leadership.
  23. Wouldn’t you just say the picture is fake anyway? Don’t be so close minded to a changing earth brah
  24. It always comes back to “I’m cool because I’m so open minded. You’re like...so close minded brah.” It’s a look at me thing. Kyrie is a perfect example of this inflated ego.
  25. Flat earth morons literally reject math outright. You can’t reason with this type of idiot. It’s not worth the time. I understand how tempting it is, because they are all also extremely arrogant. It’s so brave to question everything...just ask them.
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