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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. What an idiot!
  2. In Europe they stab each other over soccer. I would keep the problem of drunk teenagers ten days out of the year in perspective. This is the same group that eats tide pods.
  3. Hamilton always throws out comments like that. He has been doing it over Sabres lockeroom disfunction for a while, but never gets into details.
  4. Interoffice relationships are against my companies code of conduct. Now I know of no situation where this has ever been enforced, but I am conscious of the potential consequences. I don’t know PSE’s code of conduct, but my point is that it’s very much the coroporations business if they want it to be. If you want to fool around at work or with people you work with, know the potential consequences and live with them if they bite you.
  5. I’m not interested in telling people how to live, but if you’re pursuing sex at work or within the company you leave your job at risk. I would even imagine there is probably language in their employee COC on this very matter. I certainly doubt it was worth it at his pay. Soap box lectures on the stigmatization of male sexuality is irrelevant. Private businesses have rules to follow. Break them and you may lose your job.
  6. The ESPN broadcast made a point to mention Pegula’s love for Allen. If you think that wasn’t a contributing factor ok, but I certainly do. It might work out, it might not. We’ll see...
  7. The sexy picks have been made. I’d like them to stay put and focus on OL.
  8. If you invest in a project QB, do the right thing by him with development. I don’t see any point in rushing him in unless he somehow can’t be denied in camp.
  9. Well...time to just get on board with it.
  10. I actually warmed up to him, it seemed like a genuine apology.
  11. Just say no to Josh Allen.
  12. I’m definitely worried that Beane is boxed out from Mayfield/Darnold/Rosen. It is what it is, but if that’s the case I’ll be upset if he moves up. Should just stay at 12 in that scenario.
  13. That wouldn’t make any sense. I thought everyone had to play on Thursday night.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.patspulpit.com/platform/amp/2018/4/19/17256724/2018-nfl-schedule-release-new-england-patriots-rumors-coverage-online-streaming-opponents This site is saying IN BOSTON week 8.
  15. I used to care about this...now I value being home at a reasonable hour on Sunday after a home game. Fingers crosses for all 1:00pm at home!
  16. I think he’s asking if you pour the grinds into the filter prior to placing it into the machine vs placing the filter in the top and then scooping grinds in. I definitely pour grinds first. Nobody is perfect afterwards and you run the risk of missing and getting unwanted grinds into the pot.
  17. I appreciated much of what he had to say. While I haven’t been impressed with Housley, there is no doubt he has a group of disengaged, lazy, whiny players to work with. It’s your job to listen to the coaches, do your damn job. I’m not usually hung up on the “intangibles”, but it’s tough to watch this group wallow without any clear leadership, especially if they are tuning coaching out as well.
  18. Trendy description aside, it’s way better than the basically abandoned space I’m always driving by.
  19. This is just so great! I can’t stop laughing.
  20. Surprised that with a name like buffalobud420 you’d be so high strung.
  21. Wow, didn’t know he got after it like that. I seriously thought it was fake at first it’s so over the top.
  23. I work in contracting, costs will go up, which will be born by the consumer. Today we are talking Steel and aluminum. The consumer will bear the cost of any revival. Other industries will have their own layoffs. We are finally heading towards some loosening of the purse strings, both on the consumer level and corporate level. I’m skeptical of anything that leads to people tightening up, which would offset a lot of the good accomplished this year. “Global Automakers said that President George W. Bush’s 2002 steel tariffs cost the economy 200,000 jobs, including 30,000 in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.” I was too young at the time and not concerned with these things, but tell me how we’ll be better off this time?
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