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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. It seems he’s been having the better week so far, but they’ve all been inconsistent.
  2. The “embarrassing” antics of Bills fans is the most overblown narrative on the boards the past few years. Yes, I would be embarrassed if I were on camera breaking tables or falling head first into an RV, but for the most part this isolated to a few groups of college kids. I did stupid things in college too, which also isn’t isolated to Buffalo. I always feel the need to mention the same thing when one of these threads pops up. Compared to soccer hooligans in most of the world, drunk football fans are nothing. I have never read of a stabbing during a Bills tailgate or destructive riots. Put that in perspective.
  3. I wanted to excel because to excel was to give great service, which in turn led to bigger tips. It was completely personally motivated to make some money as you say. People with **** attitudes usually maintain those **** attitudes in the professional world as well. I’ve grown with enough of them. But yes, I was very cynical towards management when I was serving/bartending. Always was in a rush to get out of the industry. I see know they were just trying to work their careers as best as possible. I was in fact the !@#$ in that equation.
  4. Having worked in several restaurants when I was younger, I can typically make correct assumptions where a breakdown is occurring when I’m experiencing bad service. I have never left zero for a tip, but I have certainly docked the tip when I could say with certainty server laziness or rudeness was causing whatever problem. I typically empathize with people who seem over their head busy, but if you’re just texting on your phone at the station and my drink is empty you suck at your job. What people often do, which I always hated, was penalize a server or bartender for an obvious kitchen issue. Happens all the time though.
  5. Thanks for sharing. Plenty of reasons we should all collectively roll our eyes when the league, or any individual franchise, attempts to present itself as a moral compass on anything.
  6. I was just talking to someone about how I’m usually anxious and impatient for real games to start this time of the year, but this year strangely looking forward to the preseason. There a lot of questions to answer. I’m of the mindset that the defense will be very good this year and I’m cautiously optimistic that one of these guys can separate himself and be a serviceable starter.
  7. He was complimentary in other messages today, think he’s just reporting as he sees it and some fans are too sensitive about Allen being portrayed in the media. By all accounts it sounds like he’s having a good open to camp for a rookie. Some good some bad, which is to be expected.
  8. Agreed, one of the stupidest tweets I’ve seen in a while, and that’s saying something. Either way pretty dumb.
  9. Not sure who this Teej guy is, but I’m sure he is getting roasted for implying it’s somehow her own fault.
  10. The fact that it appears he knows her in general is scaring me from a league suspension perspective right off the bat. Everything else I can’t even speak about. It’s a shame things get blasted out and confused before a real investigation takes place these days. I would hope McCoy is not that type of person.
  11. In college my friend was doing a photography project for some elective he was taking. We went down near General Mills to some of the abandoned grain sites to get shots. Picture where Riverworks is now for the Buffalo crowd. Well within twenty minutes we had four patrol cars on site and I was thrown to the ground in a pile of goose ****. All of us were arrested for trespassing and our car towed. It’s super funny to be at Riverworks and see people snapping pictures in front of the very site I was arrested a few years prior. We pled our case to the cops, but they kept saying we must have ditched our paint/drugs before they came. I think they knew arresting us was ridiculous, but they did it anyway.
  12. I was in need of a “new” game, so having been inspired by this thread I dusted off the old Xbox360 and started a new character in OBLIVION. While I expected the graphics to seem dated, I was taken aback by just how dated it does look. I remember it being the nicest looking game I had ever seen when it was first released. Apart from that it is still one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. Perfect middle ground between the great (but often frustrating) Morrowind and the beautiful (but too simplistic) Skyrim. I’ll be hooked for a while.
  13. I can’t see him going back to play with Irving so I just can’t imagine it’d be Boston. Golden State would be an affront to Basketball fans everywhere. At least if he goes to Philly it’s a young team that hasn’t proven a whole lot yet. I wouldn’t mind seeing Lebron there if he must leave Cleveland.
  14. I was like “meh cool,” until I saw her crush the beer after with the ball still in. Really bumps her up a notch.
  15. Shocked how gullible some people are calling him an idiot like that was literally the reason he is quitting. From what I hear the pay is garbage and I take this as a funny troll job on the way out, which was happening with or without the drafting of Allen.
  16. Well that certainly explains how flat and emotionless they came out in OT.
  17. I just don’t see how he clearly beat Durant to the spot. It seems they got there at the same time, which would favor the offensive player. The on air official is irrelevant, we’ve all watched NFL games and it’s laughable how off they often are. The on court officials ruled it another way. I already granted that the reason for review in the first place was bogus so I could understand feeling screwed in that regard. I don’t think “everybody” is in agreement on anything. The officials disagreed, there is a variety of opinions in this very thread, and I’m hearing people at work today disagree. I personally saw and still see a blocking foul.
  18. Baseball and the NHL offside challenges definitely starting pushing me over the edge. The Kelvin Benjamin overturned TD last season was the final straw. Get rid of it all.
  19. Definitely should have a narrower scope of what can be reviewed, I’ll agree with that even if they got the call right. I count myself among the growing faction of fans who would love to eliminate ALL video review. Mostly from banging my head against the wall with the NFL, but I’m basically there now.
  20. The reason I like the NBA is that I don’t have any real rooting interests and can just enjoy a competitive exciting game. I was extremely entertained last night, good game from start to finish. In real time I thought it was a block and after replay I still think that. Lebron’s right foot was still moving when contact took place. At best you can argue it was the same time, which with my understanding of the rule favors the offensive player. The reasoning behind the review seems bogus, but I think the right call was made. JR is so weak trying to act like he knew it was tied. One of the worst blunders I’ve ever seen. Once again though, extremely entertained last night. Hope every game is like this and it will be a great series.
  21. I definitely got sucked into this one and “Wild Wild Country”.
  22. Witcher 3 is probably the best game on ps4. I’m a big fan of the Souls series, so Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne are must plays. Of course any Elder Scrolls game is a must play, although I maintain that Skyrim was trash compared to Oblivion. Completely dumbed down in almost every way although is gorgeous to look at. I’ve been desperate for a new game, but I’m usually very underwhelmed by most titles these days. I really only love RPGs and there hasn’t been many great titles of late.
  23. I had 7/5/6, didn’t box it because I didn’t want to put more money in the self service machine. FML
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