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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. I worked a lot on my swing at the Dome this winter and only got out for 9 holes before the closures. Figures! Stay healthy everyone.
  2. As a long time season ticket holder it would be very weird without our Fall tailgates with friends, but I’ll celebrate just having a season at this point. I’d be curious to see how refunds would be handled, they are certainly continuing to take the money! I know my friend who is a Sabres STH was being pushed to put refund towards future seasons, which he didn't want to do. He claims no one has responded to him since his request for a refund, but I imagine PSE is in as much turmoil as most of our employers.
  3. This week has been one gut punch after another and I fear we are still just getting started.
  4. I would say there is absolutely no chance this gets played on schedule, but if there is any organization greedy enough to go forward with it, would be the NCAA. Have to at least push it back.
  5. Tough luck with timing this year. It will definitely take a lot away from the tournament. I would imagine this benefits the favorites, but there isn’t any dominant team in the field to begin with.
  6. I thought I would miss BBMB, but this has been more than a suitable replacement. I sent an angry email about it at the time to my ticket rep who called and said I wasn’t the only one.
  7. I went last night and, as always, thoroughly enjoyed the intermission videos highlighting the 06 run and the bumper ball hockey soccer game.
  8. I struggle naming one thing Botterill does well through three seasons. For a cap guru, he has managed the cap poorly. The ROR trade is an objective disaster (admittedly a little hindsight there). All the talk about stabilizing the second line, which has plagued the team for years, is especially frustrating when you consider it’s mostly self inflicted. I’m shocked he could never work a trade for Risto who at least had value. The only reason I am still ambivalent on Botterill is that I don’t see anyone having a magic fix for the team next year. Low hanging fruit would be goaltending, which has definitely cost the team points this season. But bigger issue is still secondary scoring, which I don’t see free agency fixing. Tough time to be a Sabres fan. Settling into the sort of cynicism I felt during the Bills drought years. I would guess we don’t have many more seasons to turn it around before Eichel becomes a squeaky wheel to get out of town.
  9. Finally watched this with the wife. I’m sure we wouldn’t have been able to get through it if they ever actually showed more of the videos. It really breaks my heart. There is a lot of sick people. Society certainly feeds into how that sickness is expressed as we’ve seen for years. I have a lot of opinions on the online mob and outrage culture, but I the subject behind this documentary made it pretty hard for me to really think of that. The only blame is on the guy. Prison is too good for this POS
  10. There is absolutely no justification for voting Wilson over Jackson, although I never understand why anyone other than the players care about these things.
  11. I agree. Now that this has run its’ course I’m hopeful Star Wars can go in a new and interesting direction. This one was ok. I had some fun watching it, but thought that a lot (especially the end) was extremely cheesy. This trilogy just never connected with me, glad it’s over. I’m still hoping they do something in the era of the old republic. Used to love the KOTOR video games.
  12. Props to Gronk, who I’ve been loving on for a few years now over how frequently he praises WNY. Leave it to miserable people to find something wrong with a 50k donation to a charitable cause.
  13. I would beat TOR up more for the loss if they didn’t just prove they could win at Oracle (twice). I would still bet on them finishing out the series, but it was definitely a huge opportunity missed.
  14. He grew on me over time. I thought he did a fine job. I’d be embarrassed to drag a guy stepping away. Some of those thread comments are overboard. Twitter is truly a cesspool.
  15. I definitely stay away from the leaks, I’ll wait a couple days. The Bran theory, while an interesting thought, wouldn’t make sense. They went the Dany mad route and the preview shows her proudly facing her people. Don’t think that jives with Bran warging into Drogon. She had control.
  16. People are nuts. I’m not in love with this season for many of the reasons we have hashed out, but it’s still incredible entertainment. Hated how the night king story arc ended, but The Long Night was one of the most entertaining episodes of television I’ve ever watched. Last week was amazing. Wish we had more development to get there, but once again just incredible television (especially Arya/Clegane scenes). I’ll try to appreciate however it ends. I would put money on Martin never finishing the books, so I think this is the only ending we get.
  17. Martin pushed back on the rumor he had all the books finished. Said he is still finishing WOW and hasn’t even started dream of summer. I didn’t believe this for a second anyway for the financial reasons already mentioned in this thread. I’ve resigned myself to the fact he won’t ever finish. If he does it will be a pleasant surprise.
  18. I didn’t think I’d like them to take Dany to full madnesses, but wound up pretty interesting. Burning the Tarlys started this, so I disagree it was a two episode 180, but I do agree it could have been built up better. I’m surprised today how many people I read that hated the ending to Jamie Cersei. Even with Jamie’s transformation he could never move on from Cersei, he always had a weakness there. I thought it was a fitting end for him. I understand wanting a worse death for Cersei, but I didn’t hate it.
  19. Agreed. I still think the Night King was rushed, but I liked this twist. I thought the Dany madness was just setting up a dramatic reversal. I never thought they’d fully commit to that path, which wound up being awesome. Arya or Jon will likely kill her (definitely thinking Arya). And seriously....Maisie Williams has been incredible this season. I loved everything they did with her escape sequence.
  20. I can’t believe they went full Dany breakdown. I thought this episode was amazing still need to digest it. I think Arya kills her.
  21. I hated that scene. Would gladly have traded a bad dragon scene for a decent investment in Jon saying goodbye to Ghost.
  22. I agree that, while it’s probably not a big deal, it’s just a bad look. He’s running a team in a professional league who needs a coach. Why are you working on a side project during a coaching search? Even if if you are doing all the right things remotely, shouldn’t you engage the fans who sat through another frustrating season? I don’t know, but just doesn’t seem right. I don’t buy Sabres season tickets, but I can understand why ticket holders approaching renewal would be aggravated by the lack of feedback.
  23. Yesssss, can’t wait. I had such low expectations for chapter one and was so pleased with how well it was done. Such a great story.
  24. Agreed. I’m not overly worried about who they hire for a coach, but I just think it’s bizarre our GM is out of the country and there has been practically nothing out of them concerning the search. At least one of my season ticket holding friends is very aggravated by it.
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