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Everything posted by Rockpile233

  1. Wife and went to Hawaii 5 years ago. I pulled over at a banana bread stand outside Hana in Maui and the couple in front of us was from South Buffalo and immediately lit up when they saw my hat. Definitely wasn’t expecting that.
  2. ........ she shouldn’t be able to compete individually after quitting on the team.
  3. Neither do these players. There are hundreds in line behind them and I will watch no matter who is on the field, like most football fans. If Cole wants to destroy his career over this he’s free to, but just don’t be a distraction from winning games. I’m hopeful he tones it down this week.
  4. I’ve lost a lot of respect for Beasley, not because of his opinion, but for this highly public tantrum he is throwing. Welcome to the conundrum most normal working people face with their employers. Hopefully this is all squashed at training camp.
  5. I don’t like it, but to be fair there was little upside for them. I feel like anything would be mocked by a large portion of the fanbase.
  6. Wow really got after it on a Tuesday night. I’m assuming there was some alcohol involved.
  7. I didn’t get to hear the segment. Were there any reasons offered as to why they feel they know this class better or have a scouting edge over other teams? To me this is proactively communicating that the Eichel return is going to be draft capital heavy, which I doubt many will be thrilled with.
  8. If I had to guess I would say A New Hope is probably the single movie I’ve seen the most times.
  9. Happy Birthday Kim. You are stunning and brave. -Kevyn Adams
  10. People buying Paul brother fights.
  11. There has been an attitude problem on the team for several years and I believe Eichel contributes to that. I am confident he will be an elite points contributor on any good team with a good established culture and leaders. I’m not in the room, but my observations watching games and team coverage is that he is more whiner than leader. Team can’t be much worse without him. I think he shoulders some of the blame. With that said this is the worst run franchise in professional sports. I can understand how playing on this godforsaken team can kill good attitudes. Hopefully this is rock bottom for the Sabres. Sadly I don’t see it improving until the Pegulas hand it over to someone who has a clue.
  12. I’m also in the camp of Tony was shot and killed, especially how it was foreshadowed with the “goes black” conversation previously. I initially hated it, but it’s grown on me over time and now I actually appreciate the ending. The ending of Game of Thrones was so god awful that I appreciate it even more now!
  13. I’m so sorry for your loss. We had to say goodbye to our best friend this past August and it slowly has been getting better. Dogs are just too special to live as long as us terrible humans. People who aren’t dog lovers can’t understand it’s really like losing a family member (worse sometimes). Hang in there and know it won’t be long before all the memories are thought of happily.
  14. I can appreciate that. I’d want to be involved too, why else buy the team? I would just channel that into surrounding myself with the best hockey people who I trust to make personnel decisions. I definitely wouldn’t be interjecting my unqualified gut feeling on Russian players or leading a coaching search. Then again, none of us need to be reminded that they own the team and can rightly do whatever they want. It’s just a shame this once great fanbase has to suffer through it. I’m so thankful for McD and Beane.
  15. I didn’t hear that interview. The Bills have never been in better shape since I was a little kid and they REGRET giving up that much control? The smartest people know what they know and know what they don’t know. Unfortunately I’m very skeptical that anything will change.
  16. I completely agree. I blame the owners most followed by the players and finally whatever coach they are cycling through at the moment. This is not an endorsement for Kreuger who is clearly in over his head BTY. I’m just sick of hearing guys like Reinhart say it’s hard to muster up the energy. (And yes I know he’s been one of the decent pieces) Sound bites like that are a big part of the issue. Whether the specific cause is quitting on this coach or being burned out by years of losing or having an issue with competitiveness...I don’t think anyone really cares at this point. Take this awful season out of the equation and we’ve still seen these core guys have trouble mustering the energy period to period at the sign of any adversity. You learn early in business school that when the culture is poisoned you need to change the people. As many as possible as quickly as possible. (Hmmm sounds like something another coach/GM pair did when they came to town).
  17. I think they should have open fan tryouts at this point. Would be more fun to watch!
  18. Definitely did not come off as snarky as that quote read. With that being said, if he is still the coach when they get back from the road trip it’s a joke.
  19. I didn’t believe this was a real quote. Yikes. ....asked about Skinner scoring: "That's certainly something for Jeff Skinner, who has measured his whole career on goals” - Ralph Krueger
  20. I listened to Adams’ press conference yesterday and I got the sense he put most of the blame on his players. These guys don’t play hard for 3 shifts let alone 3 periods.
  21. I didn’t think of Terry Hills, I agree it’s another great value. Going further out that way, I was in an after work league at Dande Farms a few years back and I grew to enjoy that course. Try to get there at least one Saturday morning in the summer.
  22. I definitely agree it feels much more hopeless. I could always trick myself into getting invested in Bills teams I knew weren’t very good. This team just plays in a way that elicits absolutely no emotion for me. The series of bad hires and terrible draft picks is well known at this point, but I definitely put a lot of the blame on this group of players, especially the ones who’ve been around. I understand Risto has played some of his best hockey this year, Reinhart is actually a pretty solid player, and Eichel is a proven elite point producer, but I honestly believe all three should be gone by next season. Think a radical shakeup needs to take place, this team has been lifeless too long
  23. I personally don’t think you can match Glen Oak as far as bang for your buck goes with public courses. I play there a couple times per week during the season. I also love Hickory Stick.
  24. Goal this offseason should be to get as much of the roster turned over as possible. “Core” is awful and just doesn’t work together. Bad attitudes and a void of leadership has plagued them for years.
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