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Captain Murica

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Everything posted by Captain Murica

  1. Whoopsie, played at USC.
  2. His hometown, good for him. I always liked him.
  3. That's what I was insinuating with maybe they didn't want him back due to the lack of effort and the regression he displayed in the final half/quarter of the season.
  4. When I first read this, I thought it said, Bill Cosby... Hopefully they woke up and remembered what happened the night before.
  5. Could be that too, but seeing as he and P. Brown became good friends from what Social Media depicts I would think if it was close he would have came back but maybe he was hoping for a big payday and pull a Haynesworth.
  6. His cousin used to work at the CVS in my town, I was in my early teens. She used to not charge me for certain things like Reeses Cups and M&Ms because I always wore a Bills starter jacket or hat.
  7. Curious as to why the Bills didn't offer something around that, doesn't seem expensive, guess they really didn't want him back.
  8. Sounds like my Saturday mornings after a good Friday night out in town.
  9. Knew he was going to get canned, his views were always opposite of his counterparts on the show like Tom Jackson, Cris Carter, and Keyshawn but once he endorsed Trump it was all but over.
  10. Yeah, basically a Troll show, they ask people random dumb questions. I think they asked Wade Phillips if he eats bbq sauce on his spaghetti or some crap.
  11. Yeah, get rid of First Take, Dan Le batard show, and whatever else there is.
  12. On the contrary, he hasn't touched anyone of his contract earnings from the NFL. All the money he uses is from his sponsorships and endorsements along with his clothing line. He is known for being proud of being from Oakland and is possibly seeing this as the only opportunity to play for his hometown team as they're leaving in 2 years and he is not getting any younger.
  13. That's awesome, wish they would do that with Sunday games as well.
  14. McDermott seems to have the right attitude and the idea what it takes to be an HC in the NFL, better coaching can make up for the losses. I mean isn't our divisional rival the patriots known for that? They seem to lose players to FA all the time but still always rank in the top 10 of defense. Being pessimistic seems to be tiring after a while. Things will get better .
  15. Hmm, I've seen USC QB's praised as the seconding coming in QB terms then fall off the following season but all the experts figure Darnold will be a can't miss. I, myself, think it's 50/50 where he can regress and not be the guy whoever think he will be. Matt Barkley comes to mind, everyone was high on him until he stayed one more year and his stock went way down.
  16. Gilmore is the only real loss out of the three.
  17. Damn, the ghost got to him again.
  18. It seemed like he shot himself in the foot literally near the end of the season, he looked slow.
  19. Are you going to change your profile pic once Mitch is not drafted by the Bills? I'm not being facetious.
  20. I'm going to go with something outside of the box, Eric Wood. The Seahawks traded Max Unger(basically the same age and similar credentials as Eric Wood IE. Pro Bowl appearances) for Jimmy Graham a top 3 receiving TE at the time in a package deal of course to the saints. I know we may overrate him as fans but he seemed to be playing well last year before his leg injury and made the pro-bowl the year before.
  21. Are we going to be running more zone coverage with McDermott's scheme? If so, filling the void at CB with the likes of Tabor or Rasul Douglas from WVU, on the second day would be nice. Prefer to spend day one on either Davis, Howard(trading down of course) or by a miracle Adams or Hooker fall to us at 10.
  22. Chuck Norris broke the land speed record on a ten speed bike, which had no chain or front tire.
  23. I was annoyed because it was the only game I could attend this season due to starting a new job, moved into a new apartment, and started going back to school for my 2nd degree. I wanted to see Tyrod play and what made it worst was Shady went out in the first or second quarter if I recall correctly.
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