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Captain Murica

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Everything posted by Captain Murica

  1. Even though he is young I think he’s pretty average tbh. His YPC has dropped from 5.3 to 3.7 over three seasons. But nonetheless the eagles basically got him for nothing, good deal on their end.
  2. Doesn’t occur every day, but I smell what you’re stepping in.
  3. The packers twitter account has 2.1 million followers compared to the Bills with 980K. So, maybe people don't realize how loyal we are as a collective fan base.
  4. Now for the elite 8. Should I start a new thread for that or just update this one?
  5. I mean, this is the same 6th rd pick that chose not to pick up the phone when we called to draft him years ago because he was too good for us then. Why would things change? It's not like he became more humble. In fact, he became more of an ass hat and literally walked out on his team that had a chance on the final day of the season to make into the playoffs, and left a HOF QB to play with an overpaid QB that might get replaced sooner rather than later.
  6. I mean, seemed like a forgone conclusion with him looking like an old man chasing kids off his lawn during the “Miami Miracle”
  7. It’ll be nice that his friends and family finally get to watch him play on TV
  8. I’m assuming he saw all the mentions saying the bills should trade him ??
  9. I guess this will settle things down for a few minutes...
  10. I only caught the back end of that since I tuned in late. But, it did seem weird that wouldn’t get into a discussion after being asked by a caller if the bills tanked or cleansed the roster. Only tuned in because Joe B was filling in. I normally don’t tune in and prefer to eat tree bark than listen to Murph and Tasker. That being said, I’ve heard that everyone that works with Murph thinks he’s an ####### and he just sucks in general. But, he did deliver a great line in the last game of the season, “He was wide ass open!”
  11. Oh, shucks I wish I was able to witness this. How did that turn out?
  12. Nope, usually always have a Bills hat when I go to the gym. As well as when I go to Mets game usually rock a Mets shirt/jersey with a Bills hat.
  13. I could see it. They have a lot of talent on that side, but Williams imo is not a good defensive minded coach.
  14. They weren’t good. They were bottom 5 in most defensive catergories.
  15. Nice humble brag OP, Pics or didn’t happen. I kid I kid, that’s pretty awesome. I’m a huge Hyde fan.
  16. Yeah, I’d never feel bad for division rival, but the OP is probably a better human being than I am. No ***** way, they’re obnoxious. Half of my family is giants fans and they don’t believe the giants can do no wrong.
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