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Captain Murica

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Posts posted by Captain Murica

  1. I'm not sure why fans have doubts at this point. I certainly understand a "prove it" mentality, but it hard not to love the first few months.


    There has been a total culture change since he got here. Discipline, hard work, focus - a 180 from the Rex years. He seems to have a real vision, and his first draft was stellar.


    Honestly, the guy he reminds me of is Belichick.

    Have People been scared and hurt to many times in the past? I personally go into every season with optimism that this will be the year. If I thought every year they would suck then what's the point?


    Yeah, the word was, Rex loved the idea of being an NFL HC but did not want to put in the hours of work and the details that was necessary to be successful in this league.

  2. There will always be those that carry a negative disposition towards the Bills, rightfully so. The organization has not done a lot of good things in the past 17 years. I like the move personally, this team needed someone like McDermott, but, hopefully, that translates into wins and quality football being played on Sundays.


    We will see, only a few more months to go.....

  3. Glad his first visit was Buffalo. But there will be others. It would probably take 3 years for 10 million to sign him today. can't see offering him that.

    We will be a running team this year. So why give that money to a 2nd tight end?

    Where did you get this figure from? Because he was not going make close to that mark before being released.

  4. I know you don't like him Gug, but as I recall Tebow was a big part of them making and winning a playoff game. They won several late when the other team KNEW what he was going to do and he ran over them anyway.


    I especially remember one such loss he layed on Rex. It was great.


    You picked a bad example.


    Why not just go with the perennial favorite, Trent Dilfer :).

    Trent holds a special place in my heart, used to hear my step dad say he would never lead his team to the promise land.. Mind you, my step dad is a HUGE giants fan. We all know how that played out :lol:

  5. I know exactly what he was referring to. In this day and age you think a crowd is using racial slurs without it being caught on camera inside a ballpark? It's garbage. If one random drunk idiot says something out of line it is by no means a reflection of a city.

    You're correct it shouldn't be how a city is viewed, but, that's, not the reality.


    According to opposing team's fans outside perspective is that they believe all Bills fans are drunks that bang in the parking lot and body slam each other through tables in the parking lot pre-game.

  6. What hat is Murray wearing?


    anyways on to the topic at hand.


    TM: "close your eyes and envision it!"


    *DW closes his eyes*


    DW: "I can see it now, we totally, should interview as a team!!!"


    TM: "Bingo."


    DW: "two Shirley temples please and put it on Terry's tab."

  7. Goes back farther than that. Pats fans disdain for the Jets goes back to 96' when Parcells during Superbowl week was negotiating a hc contract with them.

    Totally forgot about that, I was 10 then. :lol: , I remembered Parcells as the HC and actually having a good record with the Jets, 29-19 (same as Wade Phillip's tenure with us)


    I do recall the whole BB situation accepting the Jets HC then resigning an hour later. They have a lot of history between the two franchises.

  8. In your OP you list positives as people that have worked with him like him, and that players can identify with him. I think those are the things to focus on. As for his performance at press conferences, attention to detail, focus on process, etc. I am the type who likes attention to detail and process,. I think when you are like that you set clear expectations for your team.


    Ultimately picking a HC in any professional sport is a crap shoot. Especially in the NFL, since many are moving up from lower positions and you never know if a guy is HC material until he's put in the role. I reserve judgment right now until I see him in game day situations. But from what I can tell right now his teams will be taught well and focused, and that's about all I can hope for at this stage.


    With the size of the font, It seems like you're yelling at everyone or talking really loudly.

  9. i won't name the poster since there is a reason it was PMd but at the end of last season I was told that he knew someone in the Clemson program who had talked to Shaq and Sammy. Both were unhappy with management and said Whaley used to play on his phone in important meetings signalling he didn't take things seriously.Then there was Sammy telling the media Rex's staff Didnt holding the team accountable, etc. I take those things to mean he welcomes a change. The response is TBD.

    I remember after Rex was relieved of his duties, Sammy stated (paraphrasing here) that he wanted someone like Dabo Swinney, strict but fair. Even went on to say how the culture needs to change and expect to go into games to win and not to lose.

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