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Everything posted by wiskibreth

  1. I don't see how this can be viewed as anything other than a positive move. Dedication to one's craft usually makes for a better product. I hope it grows.
  2. I'm going to have fun and watch Bills football!
  3. Much prefer declared captains for the season over Rex's childish "connection there" method. Captains earn that status through leadership and example.
  4. Worse than last season? I'd like to hear your reasons for this statement. Look, I'm not all sunshine and roses optimistic, but not allot has changed from a personnel standpoint. They've effectively replaced the production level we saw from the WR group in 2016 with guys that are/can be just as productive. Lets be honest, Watkins has not been that productive; potential yes definitely,(glimpsed in 2015), but productivity and availability, not really. The running game and O-line is effectively the same. QB, the same. Yeah, the scheme will be different, but I don't see that as a huge looming boat anchor. I don't put much stock in pre-season play. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  5. What an imagination. If the other NFL owners didn't want the Pegula's as owners, they wouldn't have unanimously approved them to buy the team.
  6. it may have been considered and then dismissed. We have no idea of what goes on behind those doors.
  7. How do you even know Glenn can adequately play RT? Making that move could have created an overall worse OL dynamic.
  8. it wasn't dirty, it wasn't illegal, but it was a poor and unsafe tackle that should have had higher pad-level. Tackler could have remained on his feet and wrapped the waist, face int he gut. There was plenty of time and room to contemplate and execute that maneuver vs. the maneuver he did contemplate and execute, leaving his feet and tucking his head.
  9. I think it was politely suggested that he retire based on his performance on the field, and the Bills saved him the embarrassment of being cut to end his career.
  10. Dante Scarnecchia is the undisputed No.1 OL coach, hands down. Tice, Cable, Kromer and whoever can line up behind him. I can't wait 'til he retires (again) too.
  11. He's netting about $14.5MM/year in cash 2016 through 2019. If you can't see that's WAY under market, then I can't help you.
  12. Probably so. Doesn't matter, he's still taking less salary than market value for the betterment of the team. He could strap them like Brees if he wanted to.
  13. culture attribute: selflessness
  14. "Culture" doesn't mean everyone always gets along or disputes don't exist. At the end of they day they were still cohesive enough to make sure it mattered when the rubber hit the road. And it also means that the culture was strong enough, particularly in leadership (and Kelly was a key leader -especially on the field), that they were still able to come together and win despite their personal differences.
  15. There's simply no fuel for fire in this story and the OP (sorry) the author of the article is striking wet matches.
  16. Holding people accountable is part of it, but so is being inspiring, motivating, teaching, listening, learning, planning, executing and on and on. Look, I'm not going to downplay the impact refined talent has. It's a huge component. But given relatively equal talent base in any given environment, the group with the better culture and cohesiveness is going to rise to the top.
  17. They can't just talk the talk, They gotta walk the walk, or it's destined to fail again.
  18. Because lack of the right culture may be why they're losing teams. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure they talk about "the Patriot Way" quite a bit. And furthermore, when Belichick and Brady exit, they might have a very hard time hanging on to that same culture they're used to. it may be a dramatic change for the Patriots in the near future.
  19. One could argue that those "really good excellent players" are that way because they're in the right culture system. Brady grew up in it. Would Brady be Brady if he wasn't brought up in that culture? It's an interesting question.
  20. Of course it matters. Culture is the bond that enables a collection of individuals to want to achieve a common goal. It starts with good leadership which proliferates down throughout an organization. Culture establishes the belief system, and it's that system which makes people want to excel. Not for themselves, but for the organization. Is it the ONLY thing that makes success? Of course not, there are many factors, but it is key for virtually all successful organizations; from countries to military to corporations to sports teams. It's important to keep in mind that simply having a common goal is not a culture, and not all culture is good culture.
  21. People are way overreacting about this Glenn situation. He's going to be fine. He's been checked out by Dr. Andersen twice, and all he gets is an injection. That tells me no permanent damage to repair, just reduce inflammation and speed healing time. If he starts missing regular season games, then I'll start to worry.
  22. Sabotage, really?... anyway... it doesn't extinguish the possibility of success either. Time will tell.
  23. If they prove to be successful, they will.
  24. I think it's funny... everyone outside the organization knows better.
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