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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. More deaths then FL, Texas and California combined says otherwise, and all 3 states have a bigger population
  2. Sales tax and gas tax is much less too, plus no heating bills, or winter clothes to buy
  3. I thought this was about an old Bob Seager song
  4. Venice is just a short drive from me, beautiful area, gorgeous beaches, and no state tax!
  5. What a mess that state is in, it's no wonder people and businesses are leaving in droves. Zero leadership, bring back Rudy!
  6. or the Clinton Foundation, or Planned Parenthood
  7. I'm far from an extremist, I am a conservative Christian, if you're ok with babies being torn limb from limb, then you are a ghoul
  8. Have you ever seen an abortion procedure? Watch one, then tell me it's a Looney, batschmitt opinion, then watch a late term abortion
  9. Name one large organization or corporation where the leaders aren't pocketing millions corruptly
  10. It's probably all that testosterone
  11. What organization is worse, the NRA, or Planned Parenthood? The NRA has yet to kill anyone but PP has murdered millions, gets subsidized by taxpayers and then donates to liberals
  12. Only liberals want less police, I've never heard a conservative say that they want less police
  13. Yes, especially if you want higher taxes, open borders, late term abortions, jobs going to China, defunded police, getting rid of ICE, massive gun control, government taking control of your health care, education and finances.
  14. He's just a puppet, with the far left wing of his party and BLM pulling the strings......I wish I could draw, that'd be a great cartoon
  15. What's so difficult, if you are able to, put on a mask and vote in person, you can vote early, or day of
  16. I like that, the butcher of Albany, much better than King Cuomo
  17. and Florida has 2 million + more people and far more older folks then in NY
  18. and the death rate for children is about 1 in a 1,000, more kids will die from the flu then covid 19, yet schools stay open during flu season
  19. not even close, 33,000 deaths in NYS, while Florida 5500 deaths and Florida has 2 million + more people, NYS 2nd highest state tax in US, Florida 0 state tax, who's doing the better job?
  20. LORI HENDRY Retweeted LORI HENDRY @Lrihendry · 10h One thing this pandemic has taught us is if America is ever attacked by actual invaders, Democrats will join the enemy.
  21. Witnesses say they saw fighter jets in the area at same time, this could get real interesting
  22. Are you still sitting on the tarmac?
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