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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. So no fault to antifa and BLM?
  2. he's right, snowflake, antifa and BLM are just as much at fault
  3. Sure, Lee was a slave owner as we're many in the north as well as the south, but did you know Lee freed his in 1862, 3 years before the end of the war
  4. let's face it, your hero was a kitty, as are most liberals, for 8 years he was Putin's B wordkitty and b word weren't the words I used, one rhymed with wussy, the other with witch Barry also knew years ago that Russia wanted to meddle in the elections but did nothing about it, scared of Putin
  5. or we could do what wuss Obama did, nothing, letting him get as many missiles and nukes as he wants, great strategy
  6. lol, they're certainly not conservatives
  7. Some asswipes want to erase some of this great country's history, you can't do that, you learn from it
  8. struck close to home? Are you an antifa or a member of BLM?
  9. A bunch of Neanderthals just pulled down a statue in Raleigh, NC, then spat and pissed on it, there's tolerance for you
  10. bullcrap,it's happening all over, my county, named Lee, the NAACP is insisting they change the name, even though it's been Lee County for over a hundred years, it happened in New Orleans, and other cities in the south. Liberals are the most intolerant people. The Jefferson Memorial may be next cause he had slaves and even had sex with them
  11. Taking down statues that offend some, next it will be banning books that some find offensive, and that's how it starts
  12. did you have a bandana over your face as you typed that?
  13. The antifa are cowards, pure and simple, that's why they all cover their faces
  14. thankfully, except for some on the far left, most Americans reject the MSM
  15. Once again, as always, the left are being hypocrites, they were quiet when Obama and Hillary wouldn't call out Islamic Extremists, or when Barry hosted hate group BLM many times at the WH
  16. racism in any form, has no place in a civilized society
  17. All this over a statue of Robert E. Lee, people should learn about history, the reason the Civil War was fought and the generals on both sides. I live in Lee county and the local NAACP wants to change the county's name, that's how friggin crazy people are getting
  18. I never said he wasn't pure evil or scum, just that he was a fascinating character
  19. Hitler was a fascinating character, how he took Germany from the depths of despair to a world power, he could have conquered the world if it wasn't for his immense bigotry
  20. this is America, people can protest how they want, but as a veteran it makes me sick
  21. I'm an Italian American and damn proud of it and ignorance comes in all colors and religions as proven in this thread
  22. those who scream racist the loudest are usually the biggest bigots
  23. yep, hate group that advocates the murder of police
  24. kinda like Obama never used the words Islamic Terrorism, or having hate groups like BLM at the oval office many times
  25. I agree, peaceful protest is our right, I did enough of that in the 60's and 70's, problem is there seldom are peaceful protest anymore
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