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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. also no comment from the left when BO pardoned that traitor Chelsea or Bradley Manning
  2. where was this outrage when Obuma was pardoning hundreds of drug dealers?
  3. it was a joke answer to a joke of a thread
  4. Liberal genocide is fine by me, MAGA
  5. Extremely Stupid Political Network
  6. ESPN is quickly becoming the CNN of sports, irrelevant
  7. leave Elizabeth Warren out of this, she has her own problems
  8. There is no good reason to do away with it
  9. not gonna denounce them, huh? It's ok to murder cops in your screwed up world, hope you never need one then
  10. and yet none of the wuss liberals have denounced antifa it BLM, wonder why?
  11. only the left thinks antifa and BLM are just misunderstood youth
  12. Time to give Kaepernick a call
  13. keep believing that, there is one thing the left is good at, losing elections
  14. only after the douche pays all his back taxes
  15. If I wasn't married and 20 years younger
  16. unfreakingbeliveable, next he'll get blamed for 9/11, and the Kennedy assassination
  17. agree with most of what you say but Washington was pretty good, as was Eisenhower
  18. As long as no one puts up a statue of Barak Hussein Obama, I'm good
  19. Jefferson raped, beat slaves too, tear that down, remove Mt Rushmore it was built on Indian Land that we stole from them before almost wiping them out, get rid if this too?
  20. He was right, and unless cooler heads prevail it'll only get worse, instead of clubs, next time, guns
  21. agree totally, I fear for my grandkids future
  22. They just arrested the fat slob who climb the ladder and put the rope around the statue in Raleigh that was pulled down, freaking awesome
  23. as she puts a big check from the Clinton Foundation in his pocket
  24. I'm guessing there are some on here that think antifa and BLM are just misunderstood youths
  25. of course not that crooked governer did nothing to stop it
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