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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. When you care more about illegal immigrants then the military, children's health care and the safety and security of American citizens, then as far as I'm concerned you are a traitor, and in the old days traitors were shot, maybe we should go back to the old days
  2. typical tolerant liberal response, agree with me or I'll call you every name in the book
  3. except that the dems won't rest till there's a single payer system in place, and that would be a disaster
  4. If players want to make a difference why don't they do what Bob Kalsu and Pat Tillman did?
  5. that's exactly what they're doing, which is their right, but yeah, they are disrespecting the flag and country
  6. great post, if they want to protest, do it like we did it in 60s, walk the streets carrying signs
  7. Obuma was/is a Muslim
  8. he's right though, that's not what he said
  9. thought the same thing, Travon Martin, Micheal Brown, BLM, etc, etc
  10. you're right, chose, people forget he opted out of his contract
  11. [quote name="26CornerBlitz" Sources: Bills locker room has been so emotional about Trump comments that team made plans to address topic during a team meeting tonight. if they kneel it'll get ugly at New Era
  12. who had a hate group in the Oval Office, Trump or Obama?
  13. that's the guy who set race relations back 50 years
  14. our former president was an ass
  15. It's pretty simple, if you don't like or disrespect the flag and country, MOVE SNOWFLAKES
  16. TT is a one read QB, and if that read isn't wide open, he's looking to run, that's what I've been seeing since he got to Buffalo
  17. Peterman wasn't a Beane pick, so it might be him on way out
  18. A bit of a head case and a me player but still one of the best RBs ever
  19. no matter what sheriff Joe did or didn't do, its not on the same level as the scumbags Obama put back on the streets
  20. they are, just giving my opinion
  21. as a former vet, if you walk away from your unit in a war zone, not only are you a deserter, you are a traitor too
  22. if Manning isn't a traitor, how about trading 5 terrorists for Bergdorf, who was a traitor
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