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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. What's worse and scary are the brain deads that voted for her
  2. Really? Remember the red line in Syria or when Russia invaded Crimea and Obama did nothing
  3. Obama was scared schmitless of Putin, Putin made him his biotch. Another thing Trump has never bowed down to any leader, unlike Obama who bowed to Muslim leaders. No president should ever bow down to anyone, ever.
  4. What was Obama's big accomplishments? The unaffordable care act, and saying it was ok for a grown man to use the same bathroom as your 7 yr old daughter
  5. The final word on Clinton and or Obama hasn't yet been told
  6. If the wall is so stupid, why do all your heros, Pelosi, Obama and Soros all have walls around their houses?
  7. The incompetent loser was the guy in office before Trump
  8. Trump may be rude, crude and a bully but the fact remains that he's done more good for this country in 2 years, then Barry Soetoro did in 8
  9. You're delusional, you and your extreme left wingers will be crying again in November, 2020
  10. Hell no, most of the left doesn't have any good in them let alone in faith
  11. CNN and Jerry Brown, 2 of the biggest bullcrap artists in the country
  12. Botox Pelosi is showing signs of dementia hopefully some moderate democrats come to their senses and boot her out of control and end this shutdown and get some border security finally
  13. Sounds familiar doesn't it? 1930s Germany, and the left has the nerve to call conservatives Nazi's
  14. There are probably a few billion people in this world who want a better life or seek asylum, should we let them all in?
  15. I left that state 30 years ago, so glad I did, NYS is battling California for the most extreme left wing state in the country
  16. 1st trimester abortion is one thing, (which I'm against ) but late term abortion is completely different, it's murdering a viable human
  17. Single payer, which is what the left in promoting will cost between 32-36 trillion, how do you propose that gets paid for?
  18. Even liberals have to be offended by this, what's next, euthanasia for the elderly because they've become a burden?
  19. Cuomo is Catholic, no way he signs this into law, right?
  20. Pelosi is showing signs of early dementia
  21. If you honestly believe no murderers, rapists or drug dealers are illegally crossing the border, then there is no hope for you
  22. If the military gets no funding, then neither should congressmen and women, take away their pay and see how fast things get done
  23. Polls don't mean crap to me, they all had Hillary winning big, they were all wrong, again, if you care more about them then the military, or children's health, I have 2 words for you...
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