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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. So half the country are ignorant, bigoted morons, you sound as bad as your hero Hillary. An absolutely disgusting thing to say
  2. Hmm let's see, Trump beat 16 other republicans, then the deep state hand picked candidate, who had the backing of MSM, Obama, the Hollywood elites and still won over 300 electoral votes, meanwhile Waters doesn't even know where N. Korea is and AOC probably thinks you can land on the sun, if you go at night
  3. She just may be the dumbest person ever elected, with AOC a close 2nd, good job, dems
  4. The libs will batter him for that, like if he found a cure for cancer, they'd whine and cry that he's putting oncologists out of work
  5. and the dems will have a loser give their response to the STOU address, how appropriate
  6. I couldn't care less what someone did 30-40 years ago, means nothing now. However he should resign just for the damage the left did to Judge Kavanaugh
  7. but made a huge deal over what Kavanaugh did or didn't do in high school 40 years ago, are there any bigger hipocrites then liberals?
  8. My parents and grandparents came to this country from Calabria and Sicily, had to have a job and had to learn English, no one that I know of is against immigration, just do it legally
  9. and yet those douchbags won't even meet with angel moms, those families who's loved ones were murdered by illegal immigrants
  10. Sen. Scott from here in Florida is proposing term limits but that has a snowball's chance in hell of ever passing. Unless voted out no way would any of them give up the gravy train.
  11. How are abortion laws in Canada? Could Trudeau do the same as they're doing in NY?
  12. To me, it's pretty simple, if you don't want a baby, don't get pregnant, there are a lot of birth control options
  13. Pro life or pro choice, this is still infanticide anyway you look at it
  14. Did they send it in an unmarked plane in the middle of the night?
  15. Best economy in years if not decades, rebuilding the military, redoing horrible trade deals, securing the borders, conservative justices that will follow the constitution, how's that for facts? No one has said they are all rapists, but if you don't think rapists, murderers, drug trafficking, and other criminals are crossing the borders, you are dumber then I thought
  16. This should be good....how the hell is a wall racist? or immoral?
  17. The only thing Trump needs to say at the STOU is that the country is far better off then it was 3 years ago, and that's not a lie
  18. If there's another terrorist attack in America she should be blamed and charged
  19. and now NYS, where they can get free health care and college tuition
  20. Why does a little twerp who's country is being led by an effeminate little wuss complain about America's leader?
  21. AOC is battling Mad Maxine Waters for the title of dumbest person in congress
  22. Damn, you're right, didn't think it through
  23. I want AOC to run, just to hear her debate, against anyone, that would be fun
  24. Will the democrats put up any moderates, or will they all be far left socialists? If the dont, even with liberal millenials now voting, it pretty much means Trump or Pence will win 2020
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