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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. In terms of sheer numbers, no one can touch the Nazis, but what the Japanese did to the Chinese, Filipinos, and even American POWs, was beyond inhumane
  2. A great book to read is Bill O'Reilly's, Killing of the Rising Sun. I'm not sure who was worse in atrocities the Japanese or the Nazis.
  3. Every man and woman who served in that war is a true American hero and whenever I meet one, I tell them that. These young millienials should read what these men and woman went through in the Pacific or in Europe. Horrific, doesn't describe what these wars were like
  4. Is that why people are leaving California (as well as NYS) in droves?
  5. Smollett tried to get his 15 minutes of fame for his dying career, and did it, for all the wrong reasons, but the answer is Adam Schiff for brains
  6. Trillions and trillions for BS, hate to break it to you socialists but the earth has been going through climate changes for billions of years, earth warming, then ice age, then warming, then ice age etc. What industries were around during the last ice age? I can't wait to take a train to visit the home if my grandparents in Italy
  7. I think her father should have pulled out
  8. I wonder who's dumber, her or Mad Maxine Waters?
  9. Good old Justine Trudumb, what a wussy (change the w to a p)
  10. Many of them are down here in Florida this time of year, spreading their funny money, and driving not knowing the difference between MPH, and KPH
  11. Neither is fiscally responsible, dems spend big on social programs, the repubs on military
  12. I don't understand how a religion founded by a known pediphile can become the 3rd largest in the world
  13. So you don't think rapists and murderers are crossing the border? Some of the stupidity on here never ceases to amaze me.
  14. Meanwhile, another 300 shootings there no one talks about
  15. Can you imagine the uproar if this was a white guy blaming black, liberal men for attacking him? 24/7 coverage on CNN and the rest of the fake news media
  16. I can actually agree with this, take the 1.5 billion, start the wall and try again in September
  17. That's funny, Barry Soetoro wiped his ass on the constitution every chance he could
  18. Are you saying that Muslim wuss didn't send Iran 1.5 billion?
  19. Kinda like sending 1.5 billion in the middle of the night on an unmarked plane to Iran to continue to fund terrorism
  20. Makes too much sense, something the left doesn't have anymore
  21. FACT....4,000 murders by these scumbags is more then enough reason to build a wall and enforce birder security
  22. How about corrupt Sen. Melendez say illegals getting DUIs, aren't criminals or Charlottesville, NC passing a law prohibiting police from arresting illegals for DUI and other traffic crimes, because it makes the illegals fear the police
  23. I agree, though 5 Guys aren't bad either
  24. No, I wouldn't feel different, like most true Americans I'm pro 2nd ammendment, just 1 illegal immigrant killing an American is 1 too many
  25. If one of these douchbag liberals had someone in their family raped or murdered by an illegal scumbag they might feel differently
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