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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. When Obuma, Schumer, Pelosi and the other douchbags wanted a wall, Tibs was all for it
  2. be embarrassed, libs, be very embarrassed... https://www.updateamerica.com/list_of_2020_dems_who_voted_no_on_bill_to_protect_born_alive_infants?utm_source=FFA&utm_medium=JAS1&fbclid=IwAR0wT8plf0cSCcQwo7AuxmEGXQS-rmHVQ2cSbW5_-XMQdKUlFxbAYX5J1Ew
  3. The mammoth DNA they are using came from one that was pretty much intact as it was dug up from permafrost and what ever strands it might be missing they can fill with a strand from an elephant, it was pretty interesting, they believe it can be done in the next year or 2
  4. Saw a program last night that scientists are using mammoth DNA and try to bring them back
  5. Here in Florida, about 20 miles from me is a town called Babcock Ranch, it's entirely run on solar, from houses, to the buses, and restaurants. The sun shines here an average of 28 days a month, if not more, but up north, where the sun barely shines in the winter, it would be tough to do.
  6. That's too easy and makes too much sense
  7. Wait till she runs for the Senate or Governor
  8. Go to a National Sales Tax or the Fair Tax, problem solved, or is that too easy?
  9. Yep, and Italians, Irish, Asians, Jews, among others who have been discriminated against, or wronged
  10. Tiger lives close to there, he's a bigger name then Kraft
  11. Couldn't happen to better guy...lol...wasn't he gonna turn over the team to his son? Probably sooner then later now.
  12. If they come back, there are plenty of beds in gitmo, where they can spend the rest of their lives
  13. If whites have to pay reparations to African Americans for slavery, will African Americans pay Jews for enslaving them?
  14. Actually it was Joe Kennedy that got in bed with mob that threw Illinois. Chicago democrats have been fixing those elections for a long time
  15. Look up Illinois in the 1960 presidential election for starters. Having voter ID isn't stopping anyone from voting, you need ID to fly, buy cigarettes or booze.
  16. Democrats have been doing that for years, stealing and trying to steal elections
  17. This I can agree with, whether a right wing, or left wing terrorist, they can't be allowed to breathe freedom
  18. maybe smoked a peace pipe too
  19. If that were all true, he'd be indicted already, but nothing has happened and nothing will
  20. Heard the same thing in 2016, yet he got over 300 electoral votes, he may end up with more in 2020, if he wins again, are you moving to Canada?
  21. 3 years of investigation and nothing found concerning the president, nothing
  22. Was it unconstitutional when Barry Soetoro sent Iran 150 billion without congressional approval? Of course that money went to fund terrorism, now doesn't that make him complicit?
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