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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. Ayatollah Obama was the worst president in my lifetime and that includes Johnson, Nixon and Carter
  2. I'd swap 1st rd picks, maybe throw in a 5th rd too, that should be good enough
  3. I'd rather have Frank Clark, if the Bills were going this route
  4. Wouldn't surprise me if the Bills and Seahawks do a deal, switch 1st rd picks +, and 5 yrs about 100 mil or thereabouts should get it done
  5. Can't post pics from my phone but what about Hugh Hefner's GF back then, Barbie Benton, you dont get much better then that
  6. The Bills were so bad in those days, I had seasons and sometimes there would be 20,000 fans at the stadium, and Bullough was the reason why, maybe the worst HC the Bills ever had, so I can definitely believe this.
  7. Yep, deja Vu all over again, trade with Tampa again, for Josh Allen
  8. Seattle started going downhill when Frazier left for Chicago
  9. A scumbag finally reaping what he sowed. Looks like no more bjs from stormy, but maybe he'll be someone's B word in federal prison
  10. He won't get by the Jets, and certainly not the Raiders
  11. Speaking for myself, I'm the opposite, I don't care if Trump is the biggest douchbag on the planet, I'm a results person, and Trump has and is doing a lot of good for this country. Obama acted very presidential, spoke very elegantly and did nothing, or very few good things. As far Gabbert, I know little of her, but if she's part of the "socialist "crowd, and green deal bunch, she won't stand a chance
  12. Don't think so, what does the electoral college have to do with mid terms? I thought you were smarter then that.
  13. Lowering voter age to 16, having illegal immigrants voting and getting rid if the electoral college, the only hopes of dems winning in 2020
  14. I'd like to see those answers too, since 1 and 2 are proven falsehoods and 3 is correct if you delete the words "the general"
  15. Proving tibs wrong again, this can't be right
  16. and that's why the dems want to lower the voting age to 16, how stupid.
  17. If Trump gets the blame for NZ, then Obama gets blamed for the riots in Ferguson, the police that have been mudered by blacks, the rise of hate groups like BLM and antifa
  18. Yes it's true, the bigger the government, the more control they have over your everyday life, you really want that?
  19. You do realize the bigger the government, the less freedom you have, the smaller, the more freedom. I'm closer to 70 then 60 and my health care is just fine. Anytime the government gets involved in anything, they just screw it up.
  20. Answer my question, Tibs, a few posts above yours
  21. Lowest unemployment in decades, for black, Hispanics and Asians the lowest ever, redoing bad trade deals, rebuilding the military, getting out of the horrible Paris Accord and Iran deal, securing or trying to secure the border, getting other NATO countries to pay their far share. He can be the biggest douchbag on the planet but getting those things done gets my vote again
  22. Because he's done more good for the country in 2 years then that Muslim wuss did in 8 years. Obama was the worst president in my lifetime and that includes Johnson, Nixon and Carter.
  23. I know there are some libs on here and would like to hear their reasoning for a bigger government, why they like the idea of government controlling so many aspects of their lives
  24. Come on, no one will answer my question?
  25. They are tanking for Tua
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