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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. Maybe she wants Trump to do same as Obama did in the Micheal Brown case, blame the police, cause more riots that led to many cops being murdered in Dallas and other places
  2. Honest question, would things be this bad covid19, riots if this wasn't an election year?
  3. No Susan, it was a video that sparked the riots, remember Benghazi?
  4. She should be committed
  5. If you're ok with the rioting, looting, burning, then you are a bigger scumbag then I thought
  6. Most real Americans know that's not how a president is elected, go look at a county by county map of that election
  7. There are far more patriots in this country then socialist ####s like you, people want to make and keep America first and great. Biden won't do it, Cuomo won't do it, neither will Sanders or your hero AOC
  8. A big red wave is coming this November
  9. Trump is right on, the lamestream media, in my opinion, are traitors to the American way of life, they want socialism not capitalism
  10. That's the most offensive thing I've seen in a long time
  11. Huffington Post, a Commie, pinko rag
  12. Where is that radical Muslim congresswoman Illan Omar who represents Minneapolis, she's been silent so far, maybe she'll say "some people are doing something "
  13. If they want to continue to get Soros money, they'll continue to defend them, besides they're all against anything Trump is for. If Trump said he found a cure for cancer, they'd be upset he's putting oncologists out of work
  14. where is that radical Muslim congresswoman Illan Omar who represents all of Minneapolis? She's been silent so far. Maybe she'll say,"some people did something"
  15. They should be donating to a dementia organization to get their boss some help
  16. Ever wonder why you never see Mayor Lightfoot and Beetlejuice in the same place?
  17. You are absolutely right, sir. Going off topic, that SpaceX launch was freaking awesome, American ingenuity at it's finest
  18. Actually Trump never said shoot the looters, what he tweeted was once the looting starts, so does the shooting, meaning, the next step was people shooting as in one person in Minneapolis was shot and killed and 8 were shot and killed in Nashville
  19. If the protesters stormed the barracade, they are no longer protesters but rioters and putting the life of the president and his family in danger, or are you ok with that?
  20. I have never advocated violence against protesters, rioters, yes because that's the only way it will stop, and by the way Trump didn't advocate violence either
  21. How the hell is anything happening in the last few days have anything to do with Trump?
  22. This no longer has anything to do with George Floyd, or black vs white, it's now outside agitators, antifa and Soros. The DOJ has to now label antifa a domestic terrorist group and use all resources to go after them, otherwise it's gonna be a long, destructive summer
  23. I was watching last night as big groups were in front of the White House, and I know this sounds terrible, but I was telling my wife, I hope they storm the barricades, I promise the secret service won't be using rubber bullets. It will then end real quick.
  24. All the cities where there are riots are run by democrats, coincidence?
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