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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I'm offended, you didn't mention Italians. ?
  2. My bad, you are right, sir
  3. I already posted, we donated that check
  4. Oh, sorry, thought you retired too, 67 here also and enjoying every minute of retiring
  5. No, he plays dim witted Chris, perfect role for him
  6. I don't get why you didn't get one. Wife and I are both retired too, didn't expect it but wasn't going to send it back..lol St. Jude is our favorite charity, Danny Thomas is a hero to us.
  7. We didn't ask for it or needed it, we donated it to St. Jude's Hospital
  8. Socialists are traitors to the American way of life, if both of you want it, move to Venezuela, I hear it's nice this time of year, I'll even pack you a couple of sandwiches for your trip. I didn't put on the uniform to defend socialism or socialists, but democracy and capitalism
  9. Most of us already know that's the lefts end game, socialism, it's why Senile Joe is aligning himself with Sanders, Warren and the biggest moron of all, AOC
  10. I've participated in many protests back in the 60s and ever one was peaceful and respectful, of course I wasn't at Kent St., but it showed protests can be orderly. Why they can't be now, I have no answer
  11. This is gonna be very interesting, about time Cuomo showed he had a pair
  12. That took over a year before he was even arrested, this scum cop has already been arrested and charged
  13. For most of my 68 years I was a democrat but I didn't leave the party, the party left me. I'm now a proud conservative independent
  14. A lot of that money is coming from Hollywood douchebags
  15. You're probably right, because most of the damage being done in these riots are in black communities
  16. Because of the virus
  17. Yep, under Trump black unemployment is the lowest ever, more blacks are off welfare and food stamps under him too. Dems want blacks on government assistance to keep power over them.
  18. You do know the KKK was started and funded by democrats, right?
  19. I live in Florida too, love the stand your ground law, though some have abused it
  20. If someone breaks into your house, threatens you and your family and starts stealing your belongings, are you gonna just sit there and let them?
  21. and they would have let our president walk over to the church and not done thing, right? You truly believe that?
  22. Who did Putin give millions to? ......Hint, it wasn't Trump
  23. Nah, that's Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot
  24. He's rude, crude and an egomaniac but still the best president this country has had in many years
  25. I guess you'd rather he hold up a copy of the Quran
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