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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I guess there's no such thing as a black racist, or Hispanic racist, or Jewish racist, just white racists
  2. Those who scream racist and racism the most and loudest are usually the biggest bigots
  3. Gun sales here are through the roof, getting difficult to find ammo though
  4. Don't forget one of my favorites, letting criminals out of jail, no bail required on rioters
  5. The far left wants anarchy, to accomplish that, get rid of law enforcement
  6. More proof that the far left WANTS anarchy
  7. After all the crap they've been through the last week, run over, shot at, bricks and firebombed, they'd be a little touchy, don't you think? There's no excuse though and he'll be dealt with
  8. Some of the other liberals on here are at least reasonable, where you can at least have a civil debate, he isn't in the slightest
  9. GTFO with that bullcrap, it's like saying all you liberals enabled all the looting, burning that's gone on the last week or so
  10. I'm a big defender of the police, but there is no excuse for that, none. Punishment should be swift and harsh
  11. Very good point
  12. Liberals, most, not all, are following the Rules for Radicals to a T.
  13. Went through the same in army basic training, I'll never forget it, mask off say name, rank, serial number then slowly walk out, doubled over trying to breath, snot down to your feet, not a pleasant experience for sure
  14. A better one is Barry McGuire's Eve of Destruction
  15. If you know civil war history then you know it really wasn't fought over slavery. If we're to erase anyone who had anything to do with slavery then we'll lose George Washington, Jefferson etc.
  16. Then Holder can use drug cartels that he armed so well for security
  17. Is one of the requirements of being mayor in DC is crack addict?
  18. I guess they all forgot what he did after Katrina
  19. Why is Drew Brees apologizing? What did he that was so wrong? He's done so much for that team and community.
  20. I believe the far right and far left are minorities, although I do think the far left is growing fast. I think the vast majority believe in democracy, capitalism and law and order. We'll see what happens in November
  21. I guess that's what it means to be sh-tfaced
  22. Release the names of the financiers and then go after them, hard
  23. The movie, the Purge doesn't seem so far fetched anymore
  24. If Trump is obese, what do you call Stacy Adams? She should be wearing a shirt that says Goodyear on the side.
  25. Hey, douche, this crap started under you. You set race relations back 50 years. You are the worst president in my lifetime and that includes LBJ and Nixon.
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