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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. No, 1 in the nuts would have worked.....you mock a caregiver but want to protect a sexual assault scumbag, good to know
  2. you are the biggest ***** on here, just like most libs, scared of your own shadow
  3. You are right, sir
  4. I'm supposed to know names of terrorists?? Are you calling me a liar?
  5. He pretty much emptied Gitmo, released many terrorists back to the ME
  6. Ayatollah Obama released far more criminals and terrorists, did you complain then?
  7. I agree with this, I renewed my Sunday Ticket (got it for free again), I've been bleeding Buffalo blue since 62, I want to not watch but have too, might be the best team since the early 99s, I can't think of a weakness, but it's all up to Josh
  8. If Trump is fat, what do you call Stacy Abrams? Morbidly obese? She should wear a shirt that says Goodyear on the side
  9. Remember when athletes would leave the game to go fight for our country? Ted Williams, prime example, those days are long over with.
  10. I wonder why no sports leagues cancelled games when a black man shot a 5 yr old white boy in the head
  11. You honestly believe antifa is a hoax?
  12. He wasn't unarmed, far more LE have been murdered then the other way around, far more
  13. Burn Loot Maim and antifa are domestic terrorist groups, and anyone who agrees with them
  14. Canada, America's annoying upstairs neighbor, if it wasn't for America, Canadians would be speaking Russian now, especially with their queen prime minister
  15. Speaking of hoaxes, Russia, Ukraine, bountygate, defunding USPS, democrats denouncing riots, looting, violence, all hoaxes
  16. It's funny getting lectured about white privilege by people like Kap, Oprah, and LaFraud James who have more money then 98% of white Americans.
  17. Name one country that's the less racist then America
  18. what did I post that was wrong?
  19. Kaepernick is wrong, America is the least racist country in the world, we had a black president, many black congresspeople, many black CEO's, many black billionaires. Everyone has the same chances for education, jobs, advancement.
  20. He's the best at getting under the left's skin, I hope they check Biden's earpiece, cause if he's wearing one, you can bet someone is telling him what to say
  21. I can agree with this, go to a riot and you get hurt, or worse, it's on you
  22. I've said it before, until some of these scumbags are put in body bags, these riots will continue, they are brave in a pack, but alone, like most libs they're wussies, with a P
  23. So is Burn Loot Maim, they are far more dangerous then the KKK
  24. You are a friggin scumbag, pure and simple
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