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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I thought California was the land of wackos, but Seattle has passed them. If this isn't stopped soon, it'll happen in other cities too.
  2. Yep. Always Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties
  3. Unfortunately, in my humble opinion, it won't get any better any time soon, if ever. I'm so glad I'm in my late 60s, but I fear for what my grandchildren will have to live through. It really doesn't matter who wins in November either, unless Christ comes back soon, there will be no Humpty Dumpty to put all back together.
  4. It would be shocking except that this is just a typical weekend there. Good job there, Mayor Lightfoot, and BLM
  5. Why people can't see this blows my freaking mind. I'm sure there are some fair minded democrats on here that can see it too.
  6. 60 shot, 9 dead including a toddler so far this weekend in Chicago, good job democrats and BLM
  7. One question, are you ok with late term abortions?
  8. Enthusiasm is a big factor in elections, do you honestly think people will be more enthusiastic for Biden then Trump?
  9. Senile Joe couldn't get a 10th of that crowd
  10. and we're supposed to believe Biden will win big n November
  11. Are you ok with a 60-70% tax rate on the average American?
  12. Another name that needs to be changed, Dick Van *****
  13. How about Cool Whip?
  14. 49ers GM needs to change his last name, bad connotation
  15. Senate democrats launched a filibuster to prevent it's passage and Strom Thurmond a democrat called it unnecessary and unconstitutional
  16. Civil Rights was passed in the mid 1960s, with little to no help from democrats
  17. Also the party that freed the slaves, passed the Civil Rights laws
  18. Also ultimately responsible for the murder of Christ, also a known pedophile
  19. Change the name of the Rock and Roll HOF, half the people in there have nothing to do with rock music
  20. As an Italian Chef Boy ar Dee is offensive to me ?
  21. Yep, build a billion dollar business, stupid, defeat the establishment and become President of the United States, yep stupid
  22. If Biden thought he'd get more then a hundred people at his rally he'd do the same thing.
  23. Pretty much where I'm at, except I did vote for him in 2016 because the alternative was far worse. He is rude, crude and an egomaniac but I look at all the good he's done, without much help. I wish he'd stop tweeting and being so bombastic but that's who he is.
  24. Meanwhile in NYC, tens of thousands marched in a Juneteenth parade, not a word from the lamestream media on covid 19 there. So I guess that's ok but our president holding a campaign rally is bad
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