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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. Yes, thank you, name 1, just 1 democrat who spoke out against rioting, tearing down statues, I'll wait.
  2. and no one takes you seriously......I don't start threads, then delete them when I don't get posts I like or agree with
  3. Sorry, anyone who watches that bullschiff channel I can't take their opinions seriously
  4. Commie News Network, that bastion of fair, objective reporting
  5. No concern here, still play golf 2x a week, the numbers are growing in TB, Orlando and Miami, the same cities where 2 weeks ago protests,, rioting and looting went on, but you won't hear that on the lamestream media.
  6. Wondering what the numbers are for people testing positive that wore masks vs. those that didn't.
  7. Ron Disantis, doing great as our governor, former Navy Seal, has my early vote
  8. I can't wait till the Buffalo Sabres play the Flavortown Blue Jackets......smh
  9. Paper bag was a must, although everyone knew what was in it, but sometimes we'd drink Coke out of the bag
  10. The hangovers were the worst, probably what turned me off alcohol. I barely even drink beer now, but yeah good memories of a good, much simpler time.
  11. Spent many teenage nights drunk as a skunk, and many mornings puking my guts out on that stuff.
  12. Every politician lies a lot, every single one
  13. That was me back in the 60s, I was as liberal as anyone on here, then I grew up
  14. How about in NYC if the blueflu happens?
  15. As predicted, "protesters" are try to build an autonomous zone in DC
  16. That's friggin awesome, she's very brave cause that's going against the mob, but kudos to her, she's right
  17. There was a guy on FOX news earlier and his was very scared, not just for himself but his family and other Innocents there. Worried about safety, a medical emergency, and very few are even getting their mail
  18. What can they do, sans violence? Who can you call?
  19. Not so sure about that, his mom was Jewish, and born in what is now Isreal
  20. I feel bad for the real residents and businesses of that area.
  21. So stupid, he life just changed, and not for the better, she'll be getting death threats and God forbid someone finds her address. Why some want to be "famous" is beyond me. Now can you imagine the uproar if a republican did that to a Biden rally?
  22. DeSantis is doing a hell of a job here, I can't imagine what this place would look like now if that meth head got elected instead
  23. He can go overboard at times but I'm glad we finally have a president with some balls, been a long, long time since we had one.
  24. Biden is the only man that would hug Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, that is one ugly woman, inside and out
  25. I live across from those counties, Lee County, although some are trying to change that name. Ft. Myers and Naples are fairly conservative, although many NYers are moving here and slowly changing the demographics
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