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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I'm hoping Antifa, BLM and other degenerates decide to protest at Sturgis next month. I'll gladly pay to watch on pay for view
  2. Is it perfect? hell no, but it's still the best in the world and the patriots who love it will fight till their last breath to keep it a democratic and capitalistic country. AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A MARXIST NATION
  3. The liberal calling card, " do as I say, not as I do" ....... hypocrites, every one of them
  4. Too bad Barack Hussein Obama still isn't president, he'd send another billion so they can rebuild those facilities
  5. That's what Marxists do, they hate democracy and capitalism
  6. Where have you been? Police are being charged left and right, and you didn't answer the question about statues
  7. Police are bad..until they're needed......I assume you're ok with statues of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln being taken down too, and Mt. Rushmore being blown up. The Taliban did the same as did Stalin, so which are you, an Islamic Extremist or a Commie!
  8. Violence is the only thing these thugs understand, about time people stood up to them. People are arming like never before, you want to defund police, we'll protect ourselves.
  9. thats some funny schiff,......"call the police, call the police"...and yet they want to disband the police...good for the gun toting mama
  10. That's freaking awesome!!!!
  11. I was thinking body size and type, but that works too
  12. I stopped watching or following the NBA once the Braves left
  13. Isn't Adam Silver the head alien that came off the spaceship at the end of Close Encounters?
  14. If some chant black power, that's ok, but if someone says white power, that's racist? Explain
  15. No administration in American history was as corrupt as the Obuma administration
  16. As do I but it is what is, however when you talk about late term abortion, then I have a major problem with it.
  17. Abortion is the law of the land, even if I don't like it, but why not make as safe as possible?
  18. This has to be the dumbest thing I've read on here, and that says a lot, now maybe had it read white, liberal males, it might be closer to the truth
  19. Chief Judge Roberts shows once again he really is a liberal
  20. If you ignore it, it'll go away
  21. We're doing just fine in Florida and think DeSantis is doing just fine, at least he didn't send covid19 patients to nursing homes to kill as many of the elderly as possible, like King Cuomo did. Compare the deaths in Florida to those in NYS, you'll be surprised
  22. Wife and I are annual passholders and have been the last 16 years but with all the changes there, and not for the better, we're done.
  23. I guess it was ok when Obama put kids in cages too Disney is capitulating to the mob, changing splash mountain by dumping the Song of the South, someone needs to tell me how that movie and Zipedy do Dah is racist
  24. No answer???? Didn't think so
  25. Please name 1 thing Biden has done for racial justice in his 40 some years in politics, just 1
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