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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. pulling down a statue of Washington, arguably the greatest American ever is ok?
  2. this may sound racist, but I don't care..... a black man, killed by police gets 3 funerals with thousands of people attending, no big deal, a war hero passes and even his family can't be there for the funeral..friggin sickening
  3. Remember when Ayatollah Obama bowed down to his Muslim rulers? No American president should ever bow to any ruler, but Barry did
  4. One of the most beautiful, classiest first ladies ever
  5. Journalism is dead, true journalists no longer exist, and as you so eloquently stated many times, they are urinalists
  6. I hope she didn't use the same doctor Pelosi uses. You'd think with all the money she's stole she could get a better set of dentures.
  7. I'll bet she knocks Barry around some
  8. Screw Kaepernick, screw Nike, I'll never buy anything with the swoosh on it, and my fairly large family feels the same. Phil Knight can kiss my sweet Sicilian butt
  9. I have never said I liked Putin, ever. Trump never got hundreds of millions from him, that was your heros, the Clintons. Obama watched an embassy be attacked and did nothing, and you lefties were fine with that. There's proof of that but no proof of any bounty on soldiers
  10. Actually the worst president, in my long lifetime anyway, is without a doubt, Obama
  11. He and Elvis are good friends and both are banging Marilyn Monroe
  12. That won't work, Harris likes sleeping with married men
  13. This I can agree with, all the far left anarchists that hate America can go, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, wherever, I'll even pack them a sandwich for their trip
  14. The Huffington Post, a Commie, pinko rag.........I posted those exact words on AOL and they deleted it, saying it doesn't conform with their standards
  15. Where was he wrong? I'm a history buff and didn't hear anything that was off the truth.
  16. Cleveland Indians are now considering a name change, who's next, Notre Dame?
  17. They are all white, it's now wrong and bad to be white
  18. but protesting, rioting and looting is ok during a pandemic, right?
  19. Awesome speech, we will never capitulate to the far left mob, even fair minded democrats have to agree with that
  20. Governor Kristi Noam is one good looking woman
  21. if the dems would have put up a candidate I could get behind, I'd consider that person, but of their candidates the only one I kinda liked was Tulsi and she didn't have a chance because she was too centralist, that party has moved far to the left
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