this may sound racist, but I don't care..... a black man, killed by police gets 3 funerals with thousands of people attending, no big deal, a war hero passes and even his family can't be there for the funeral..friggin sickening
Screw Kaepernick, screw Nike, I'll never buy anything with the swoosh on it, and my fairly large family feels the same. Phil Knight can kiss my sweet Sicilian butt
I have never said I liked Putin, ever. Trump never got hundreds of millions from him, that was your heros, the Clintons. Obama watched an embassy be attacked and did nothing, and you lefties were fine with that. There's proof of that but no proof of any bounty on soldiers
This I can agree with, all the far left anarchists that hate America can go, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, wherever, I'll even pack them a sandwich for their trip
if the dems would have put up a candidate I could get behind, I'd consider that person, but of their candidates the only one I kinda liked was Tulsi and she didn't have a chance because she was too centralist, that party has moved far to the left