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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. Kids need to be with other kids, period. Imagine any if you back in grade school and taking a year off, it would be devastating. The kids I went to school with 50-60 years ago are still my friends. Kids also learn better and faster being with their peers. Adolescent suicides are problem that will only get worse.
  2. I believe I told you before, since I didn't need nor asked for it, my wife and I donated it to St. Jude
  3. No it's a referendum on either keeping America a capitalist republic or a socialist country, Biden, in his own words says he plans on transforming America. Look who he's aligning himself with, AOC, Bernie and Warren, all socialists
  4. Old-time is NOT a xenophobe, Christ, you have a label for everyone.
  5. I saw this on the news, some white woman was so upset and says she was offended by that sign, she was crying and wants whoever put that up fired. Please, someone tell me what's so offensive about that sign.
  6. One reason why gun sales are through the roof
  7. this....for many kids, especially the poor, sports would be the only way they can go to college
  8. I cheated on the golf course yesterday, my drive landed in an unrepaired divot and I moved it out, guess I can never be president now.
  9. I'd like to know too, I must have done something wrong cause I had to bust my butt for everything I got
  10. This is one reason why hundreds are retiring, NYC will once again be a real schiffhole to live in, could be why thousands are moving out
  11. Yes, phones, smart TVs, Alexa, cameras everywhere, we all are being tracked, watched, the sense of privacy is gone, I don't get why people aren't concerned. I'm retired, I have nothing to hide but that's not the point. Once you start giving up freedoms, it's a very slippery slope and you won't get them back.
  12. What a great way to keep tabs on everyone, know our spending habits, what we do and when we do it. Big brother is here and he isn't going away
  13. Yep, Kamala Harris or Andrew Cuomo, I told my wife that 3 months ago, soon we'll never hear from Biden again
  14. I did some research on agenda21/2030, that's some scary Schiff, and it's coming to pass quicker then 2030, BLM is a part of that and they have most of the media too, people better wake up before it's too late, and it just might be too late
  15. I'm so glad I'm in the last years of my life, in 5-10 years, America will be unrecognizable, I do feel bad for mine and everyone else's grandkids. The "mob" may not win this year, but they will soon enough, and America as we know it will be toast, I hope to God, I'm wrong but the way things are going I won't be
  16. Mark of the beast, people, we are truly in the end timed
  17. Honest question, what would Obama, Clinton, Biden or other Dem done differently? Would they have stopped travel from China and other places? Doubtful. Would they have magically produced more tests, vaccines, masks? Remember, after the swine flu, the CDC asked that administration to produce more masks and ventilators and was told, "we're good"
  18. Ever notice the "earpiece" he wears? Someone is telling him what to say, and even then he screws it up, no wonder they'll try to weasel out of the debates
  19. They're looking to and in many ways succeeding in take away freedom of speech. If you openly disagree with the mob, you can lose your job, your business, death threats, socially shunned. God help us if the left wins in November.
  20. no one says it better then George
  21. No, that "honor" goes to Barak Hussain Obama
  22. So this a racist topic and thread?
  23. Chess is a racist game because white always moves first
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