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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. Those numbers are bullschiff but believe what you want, Warren
  2. Cuomo's politics isn't working, it why businesses and people are leaving that state in droves
  3. Don't trust numbers coming out of Florida, many hospitals had 100% positives, when it was closer to 8%, also many labs here said they've recorded many false positives
  4. 32,000 deaths, you can have those politics
  5. They did the same in Florida, no idea what booze has to do with the virus. If you order food you can drink, if you don't, you can't, huh?
  6. The Ayatollah, his administration was the most corrupt in American history
  7. Who was the last president that was both ethical and moral? Washington? I'm guessing everyone has been corrupted one way or another, every one.
  8. Most of this thread is about teachers, not enough about what's best for the kids. Once again, according to the best guess of science, kids have less then 1 in a 1,000 chance of getting or giving this virus, they have a far, far better chance of getting the flu, then covid19
  9. No democrats, none, condemn this kind of behavior, even Pelosi says, "well, people are gonna do what they do"
  10. What's gonna happen if and when this virus mutates, like most viruses do?
  11. It's not a total lockdown, protesting, rioting and looting is allowed
  12. anti-Semitism is on the rise (again) , a form of racism, that few are talking about, and is very dangerous to those of the Jewish faith. Why is there no one in the streets protesting this?
  13. There will be no high school football in Virginia this fall. This is bullcrap, for some of those kids it's there only chance to go to college.
  14. I didn't know California governor Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew, no wonder that state is so fronked up
  15. More proof liberalism is a mental disorder and couple that with TDS, some of these people need real help and soon
  16. I'm thinking around November 3rd or so
  17. God bless her, any chance you fly her to CA? We'd fly my mom down here, till she got too feeble to fly, she loved leaving Buffalo in the winter for Florida
  18. We were supposed to go up for my nephew's wedding but with the quarantine and having to give them info on who you'll be with etc, we decided to just stay in Florida. We were really looking forward to seeing family and friends and all that great food, maybe next summer, we won't go up there any other time.
  19. If there is a vaccine, I won't be taking it, I've never taken a flu shot, and (knock on wood) haven't had the flu in about 55-60 years. I don't have an underlying condition that would compromise my health.
  20. A question for anyone who cares to answer... If vaccines for this virus becomes mandatory, will you get one?
  21. Statues of the Virgin Mary are being burned and vandalized in NY and Boston. How low can some go?
  22. So sorry for your loss. If states go back to another lockdown, there'll be plenty more, unfortunately.
  23. Has there been any data on people getting infected more then once?
  24. 1that sucks for the kids, they've already missed baseball, basketball, track etc. I think way back when I was a youngin, I couldn't imagine a summer without little league, but not only that these kids use sports to get into college, for some, it's their only shot. Now there's a question of high school and college football even playing. Not good
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