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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. Who's own words are, " I will transform America"? .....yep Joe Biden, and who is he aligning with, AOC, Sanders, and Warren, all socialists. So who are the real traitors to the American way of life?
  2. Studies are showing students doing remote learning are falling behind, and the poor, and minority students are the most at risk of failing. Add to that, increased drug abuse and adolescent suicides, kids need to be in school.
  3. How many of those actually died because of the virus, and not just with the virus?
  4. 33,000 dead in NYS alone, great job... Cuomo is one reason why people and businesses are leaving that state in droves. The 2nd worse run state in the country, though Washington and Oregon are catching up.
  5. Now Trump needs to take Ayatollah Obama's portrait and put it where it belongs, the Iranian embassy
  6. Actually, it's useless idiot
  7. Complete bullschiff, I live in Florida and those numbers aren't even remotely close......USA Today another bastion of truth
  8. I'm glad he did that, and the only reason he did, was to piss off the left, and it worked!
  9. I can assure you that I'm not a bot, I just don't believe the numbers, they can be manipulated any way you want. All news outlets have an agenda, whether liberal or conservative, and they'll tell you what they want, true or not, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Call me a cynic, and I may be, but I go back to my old friend, Marvin Gaye and " believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear"
  10. A little south of Sarasota, Ft. Myers, yeah, great place, no kids, and it's not that I don't like kids but.....
  11. Not sure what you mean, I just gave my opinion, had nothing to do with our president
  12. My point exactly, I don't believe in the numbers
  13. What have democrats done? What did the first black president do?
  14. We live in a 55 and over community, and haven't changed the way we live at all. I still play golf a few times a week, we go to the pool, out to eat, bike ride etc. The hospitals here are doing fine, but some of the labs around the state have been reporting many false positives, so may are getting retested. Also the is no reporting on if someone died with the virus, or because of the virus. Most of the deaths here are people over 75 and if you check deaths year by year, including 2020 to date, you won't see much difference. I'm not saying not to take this seriously but I do think it's being way overblown and being an election year makes it so, in my opinion.
  15. I've been saying all along, all these numbers are bullcrap.
  16. Cancer is no fun, far worse then this stupid virus, republicans, democrats, liberals and conservatives should send prayers her way
  17. Only in democratic run cities, states..Trump wants to help, they won't let him
  18. Yep, we'll be told we need socialism so that everyone can be taken care of by the government. Government will take over education, health care, banking and anything else that people need or want
  19. Vote blue, and these things will continue to happen
  20. I've been saying this all along, don't really trust the death numbers. There is a big difference between dying WITH the virus, and dying BECAUSE of the virus. We may never know the real numbers.
  21. I'm not so sure about Wayfair or pizzagate but I'll bet Epstein was just the tip of the iceberg. I have no doubt big Hollywood names are involved in pedophilia and sex trafficking, they've always been. Sooner or later, they'll be found out.
  22. If you go to Amazon prime, all of his HBO stand-up shows are there. If you watch in order you see how he changes and as he got older, he got angrier and angrier, but still funny as hell
  23. Before she was a bartender, AOC worked at a M&Ms factory, they had to fire her, she kept throwing out all the Ws
  24. george was right on about germs and such, George is usually always right,........ the best, Jerry, the best
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