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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. You're leaving out increased drug abuse and domestic violence
  2. Those figures show those who had the virus when they passed, not that virus was the reason they passed, again, big difference
  3. Sorry, that's not proving me wrong
  4. Prove me wrong, I'm listening
  5. Mayor Beetlejuice doesn't care about the shootings, she cares more about dressing up like a cowboy for the census. I can't post pictures but if you look at Beetlejuice and then her pic, they look the same
  6. I, along with hundreds of thousands paid back our student loans, unless we get ours paid back, those loans should not be forgiven
  7. Unless there's pictures, no
  8. Yeah, in 68-69 most who died, like now, were over 75, I'm not gonna guess but I do know it's not 140,000 that we're killed by covid19. Heart attack, but had the virus, covid death, car accident, but test positive, covid death, cancer, but test positive, covid death, old age but test positive, covid death
  9. Not 140,000, that's for sure, again, big difference of someone dying with the virus then dying because of the virus
  10. Just call them what they really are, traitors to the American way of life
  11. These leftists, anarchists are fine with rioting, destroying federal property, in my opinion, more heads need to be cracked
  12. I'm trying to forget that lousy war if you honestly believe this virus killed 140,000, I have some swampland down here I'd like to sell you
  13. whats going on now, reminds me of what went on in 1968-69. We had the Hong Kong flu, which killed over a 100,000 Americans, 2 million world wide, we had riots in many cities, protests and the killings of Kennedy/King but we didn't lockdown anywhere. We also had the Monteray Music Festival, Woodstock. There was no panic like now, no mask wearing, we all just went on with our lives. No one blamed the president, although LBJ was a real douchebag. The economy didn't suffer like it is now. The Hong Kong flu eventually faded, just like this will.
  14. Still not as bad as AG Lynch having a private meeting with Bill Clinton on a plane, then days later Hillary is exonerated
  15. What could have been done differently? That question has been asked a thousand times and yet not one that's easily answered. He couldn't order a nationwide lockdown, he can't mandate everyone wear a mask, those are state orders. He got masks made, ventilators made, tests etc. He stopped travel from China and Europe.
  16. lol, no not yet. I'm 68, wife is 71 ( she looks half that) we're in the high risk group but refuse to panic. We don't do anything different then we normally do, except wear a mask when we know we'll be in close contact with others but that rarely happens except when shopping.
  17. Wife....did I get fat during the quarantine? Husband...honey, you weren't really thin to begin with Time of death..11:00 ...cause. covid19
  18. At least he's not as deranged as Cuomo and his idiot brother, Fredo, they both give us Italians a bad name
  19. How many years ago did that happen? 50-60?
  20. I'm all for PEACEFUL protests, hell back in the 60s, I participated in a lot of them, but when it turns destructive and violent then law enforcement has to do what it needs to to stop it.
  21. Absolutely!!! How can it not be? It's just as essential as law enforcement, health care.
  22. And you think law enforcement lives don't matter, so who is the anarchist here?
  23. I am rooting for the government in this case. What are they supposed to do with they are getting pelted with bricks, cherry bombs, rocks etc? Just take it?
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