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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I wore the uniform, I saw many of my brothers and sisters lose their lives fighting for your freedom to be a douche, that makes me a patriot
  2. Giants players Mike Yastrzemski, Austin Slater, Jaylin Davis and Antoan Richardson joined Kapler in kneeling before Monday’s game in Oakland. The protest caught the eye of President Trump, who tweeted Tuesday morning that he will stop watching sports if kneeling during the national anthem doesn’t stop. It may not be their intention but it's still disrespectful to all the men and women who sacrificed to give them the freedom to do that.
  3. Wrong on all counts, but that's part for the course, and calling Obama the Ayatollah is mild compared to what Trump and his supporters are called
  4. Yes, I'm in a cult, the cult is called American Patriot, comrade. Hillary lied about it, but Ayatollah Obama did nothing to stop it, he watched it in its entirety and could have sent troops to stop it but he didn't, because he didn't want to upset his Muslim rulers
  5. So because there were no indictments, that makes what the Ayatollah did ok, 4 Americans were murdered including the ambassador. Obama was a wimp, and what about the other things in my post?
  6. That's funny as hell, and it's not photoshopped either
  7. 17 people shot tonight in Chicago, where is Mayor Beetlejuice? Will anyone step up and lead there?
  8. Agreed, unless they're the M-95 mask, pieces of cloth that most people wear are fairly useless, better then nothing but barely.
  9. Can you imagine if Trump watched an American embassy being attacked and did nothing, or Russia invade Crimea and did nothing, or when Iran detained American sailors, embarrassed them, then the POS apologized, then sent Iran a couple billion on unmarked plane, or run arms to Mexican drug cartels, I could go on but you get the point
  10. You don't understand, he's fine with all that, he's not once condemned rioting, looting or violence, not once
  11. So you are against law and order, which means you are an anarchist
  12. Where has he abused power and broke the law? Examples please
  13. Is it any surprise that Gardner is a Soros backed attorney?
  14. If they went to his house and did the same, he probably wouldn't do a thing because most liberals are wussys with a capital P
  15. His dad was ok as governor, not great but ok, this douche is nothing like his dad. He just might end up being democratic nominee for president.
  16. I'll bet he throws like a girl and doesn't make to home plate
  17. If they do somehow debate, Biden with have an earpiece with someone feeding him answers
  18. I've often said, Trump is rude, crude, an egomaniac and a bully but there's little doubt all the good he's done for America without much help
  19. They all lie, every politician, every (sic) journalist, everyone
  20. They (DNC) will find a way to not have any debates, I would almost bet on it
  21. No he didn't, Biden's own words are that he would redirect money from the police to other places...that's is defunding
  22. He wants Trump to order states to do whatever, then he can call him a dictator.....and he'd be right
  23. Where the track the did I say it was an overblown hoax??? Jesus Christ learn to friggin read. I did post the death numbers are overblown, big difference. I never used the term hoax
  24. Nope, I love America, even with it's worts. I am a law and order, military loving American. You've been proven wrong so often that you should just give up, no one is buying your bullcrap, no one.
  25. You can leave anytime, I hear Venezuela is nice this time of year, I'll even pack you a taco for your trip
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