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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. I don't tweet but I do use it for sports, although I'm quickly losing interest in all sports now
  2. Censorship at it's worse, freedom of speech is going away. The 1st and 2nd amendments are at risk if the Dems get control
  3. here in my area of Florida, 3 days in a row of under 10% positive rates, hospitalizations and deaths are way down
  4. There's a little town in Illinois, you may have heard of it, Chicago, where every weekend it's like a war zone, innocent lives are being taken including children.
  5. Burn Loot Maim is a Marxist organization, by their own words, and are fooling a large part of the country
  6. If being a proud law and order, conservative, veteran, American is part of a cult, then I'm happy to be in one.
  7. AOC and the rest of the squad are all anti-American, anti-Semitic female dogs, as are their supporters
  8. I've put him on ignore, the only time I've ever done that. He can't/ won't discuss or debate, it's the same 5-6 stupid memes over and over
  9. I've been asking for weeks for someone on the left to denounce the riots and violence, still waiting
  10. There's another saying, " believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear"... courtesy of Marvin Gaye
  11. I've been saying this, don't trust or believe the numbers, especially the death numbers, they are as believable as Adam Schiff
  12. I can't speak about the others but the girl here in Lee County that passed had many other health issues. It's still less the 1 in a thousand deaths for kids, far more die of the flu then the virus
  13. Mack Yoho was a LB and kicker for the Bills in their very early years
  14. The peaceful protest almost always turns violent, especially when the sun goes down. I'm all for peaceful protests, everyone here is, hell as I've stated been in many of them back in the 60s, it's when these protests turn where I, and most everyone, has a problem, they've been going on way too long now and have accomplished nothing, except mayhem.
  15. 47 LE were injured just a few days ago in Chicago guarding the Columbus statue, and it's happening every night in Portland, and has been for several weeks
  16. Since when is having rocks, frozen water bottles, cherry bombs, etc thrown at LE peaceful protest? Hundreds of LE have been injured, some killed since this all started. Why haven't you denounced the rioting, burning, and violence going on in Portland and other democratic cities?
  17. A&E's ratings are so bad they're considering bringing back Live PD
  18. 33,000 deaths in NY, democratic governor....5,000 deaths, republican governor with more then 2 million more people in Florida
  19. Yes, it's always the president
  20. Yeah, hope I break 90 too, here in Florida they want to open in a few weeks but it's the teachers union that's fighting that. I don't know of any state that has a 10% positive rate, but really only know about Florida
  21. Scandinavian countries never closed schools, and had no problems. You do know that there will be more problems with schools being closed then open. Would like to discuss this more with you but have an early afternoon tee time.
  22. You're right ( for once) it shouldn't be political and schools should all open. If everyone believes the science, the science says they should open, for many reasons.
  23. Just trying to show you that your hero isn't the great American president you think he is, all Trump is trying to do is bring law and order to riot torn democratic cities, by the way, why haven't you or your liberal pals denounced what's been going on there?
  24. Can't dispute any of it, can you? Did Trump's AG run arms to Mexican drug cartels? Was it Trump who watched an American embassy get attacked and did nothing? I could go on and on about that globalist douchebag.
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