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Everything posted by bilzfancy

  1. If he died in a bad car accident, and had covid it would still be listed as a covid death
  2. Stage 4 colon cancer. So you know for a fact that cancer didn't kill him. Curious, what medical school did you attend?
  3. I know how to get the lamestream media to finally cover the riots in Portland and Seattle, and get their democratic leaders to end it real quick.........just put MAGA hats on the rioters
  4. Harris would be a terrible pick, in my opinion, his best bet, if he wants a female, is Warren. Any VP will probably be president in fairly short order, if, God forbid, he wins.
  5. AOC and Omar walk into a building.......you'd think one of them would have seen it
  6. It's not girl scout cookie time yet
  7. Well, I do believe in demon sperm, how else can you explain Nancy Pelosi?
  8. I've been asking for weeks for someone on the left to denounce the rioting, looting and violence, so far, not one has, that tells me they're fine with it
  9. He's right, democracy will die if the left gets control of the WH, and Congress. It'll be hello socialism
  10. Otherwise Killery would have won 2016
  11. It really wasn't a good day for the "penguin" and the other Dems, they looked like school kids arguing at recess
  12. and yet you and SoTier have yet to denounce the "squad" for all their anti-Semitic remarks, isn't that a bit hypocritical?
  13. The left doesn't have a sense of humor unless it's LE getting injured or killed during "peaceful protests"
  14. He's covering up his 3 chins
  15. One of the all-time great movies
  16. not sure where to put this but why not here. Trump just signed a 750 mil deal with Kodak to bring medical manufacturing back to America. Great news that you won't hear in the lamestream media
  17. How about what the Japanese did to the Chinese before and during the war, as well as their treatment of POWs
  18. I'll admit I was a lifelong democrat, but I didn't leave the party, it left me. I became a registered independent about 15 years ago.
  19. Oswald did not act alone, he was a simpleton, a patsy
  20. Just my opinion but all 7 douchebags in the title should be in prison as traitors to America
  21. Pelosi's daughter works for JFK center for the arts
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