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Everything posted by seregil42

  1. Angry Runs is on Tuesdays. Brandt tweeted something about Knox's play, though, during the game, so I'd expect to see him on there tomorrow.
  2. What's even more absurd was that he wasn't a unanimous MVP that year (1 person voted for Brady, of course).
  3. Dalton has 4 wins vs 1 loss against the Bills.
  4. My wife does this. I don't get them on my back, but my nose or leg. She's constantly begging me to let her pop them.
  5. Community Beer Works in Buffalo makes Let's Go Pils:
  6. Do you need a tactful way of asking if he could include you in his *** slapping?
  7. Sorry to hear this. I've been there. Was with a girl for 5 1/2 years (was engaged for the final year together). Long story short, I came to the realization that she did not feel the same way about me as I did about her (I don't think she really saw it herself at first). And it was a long process for me to come to that conclusion. And it was a long process for me to get over it. I've no real advice for how to deal with it. It just took time to process my grief over the relationship. Being with friends and family also helped.
  8. Oh. I thought it was a federal law.
  9. Isn't it illegal for management to take any percentage of tips?
  10. Oh, my mistake! I had heard he passed away. Glad he survived.
  11. The actor who played Ser Ilyn Payne died of cancer. The show writers decided that rather than replace him, they would just kind of leave his character out for the rest of the series out of respect.
  12. You guys are better than me. My best shot was probably 9 inches away from the hole on a par 3 (~130 yards). I did witness one great shot from a friend. Hit his shot about 100 yards away from the green, hit the branch of a tree right near the green, landed the ball in the cup.
  13. I work in an office with Patriots, Eagles, Cowboys, Colts, Lions fans. I'm the only one that has posters, flags, magnets proudly displayed. Well, I take that back. My supervisor does have a small Eagle helmet on his desk.
  14. 64-65 in the winter. 70 in the summer.
  15. You really want those peanuts, don't you?
  16. Yeah, it's crazy. I've heard stories where they've asked the patient multiple times, had the correct area marked, and still did the surgery in the wrong spot. I can't even wrap my head around it.
  17. Oh man, my wife is in the healthcare field. It's astonishing the amount of times wrong-sided surgeries happen.
  18. Stuff around the house: Mostly do it myself or with the help of my father-in-law. If it's a big job (mainly electrical) (ex. Had to have my circuit breaker panel and service replaced earlier this year), I'll outsource it. Fixing roof, installing/fixing appliances, yardwork (tough to find time to do much other than mow/weed, though), snowblow, plumbing, etc, all falls to me. I'm too cheap to hire someone else to do it. As for my car, I tend to let a mechanic mess with those things. I know next to nothing about cars.
  19. What about whisky?
  20. #2 seed with a bye last week. Lost as OBJ and Wentz (not that he was that great this year at all) were both injured. I did pick up Josh Allen (best available as the guy I drafted to be my back up was Garapollo) and Robert Foster, hoping for the double up in points. Worked to a degree. Unfortunately, received a goose egg from Adam Thielen, which sunk me. Lost by 4 points. I probably would have been the #1 seed had not someone in my league dropped Mahomes in week 3 to pick up Manning (the guy who got him off waivers has been killing it since). Myself and the other 10 guys were dumbfounded.
  21. Your last sentence says it all. Context is key.
  22. While some of the things he wrote are true, most of this is terrible and seems to be trying to fit a preconceived notion.
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