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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. No big issue with Beane, but sometimes vets just get comfortable where they are .
  2. Or David wasn’t that interested in playing up north
  3. Can’t overlook that a lot of these veterans have made their $$. Playing in Buffalo is a lot different from playing in FLA.
  4. Not so sure about that. The production didn’t match what the $$ were going to be. That’s free agency for ya.
  5. The woke left seems to have no clue what Fascism is. If it were up to Libs , everyone would have to convert to being gay. It’s the only way to save the planet from humanity, after all.
  6. Championship!!
  7. Desperation. It’s what happens when you don’t have a guy at QB , a la Browns
  8. He trash
  9. I wonder what percentage of these children were Caucasian ? I’d guess it’s not very high.
  10. He’ll renegotiate at some point to keep up … it’s all relative
  11. Shannon Watts is a moron ! Many GOP policies will combat “ gun violence “ . Namely cracking down on you know, CRIMINALS - and locking them up! These things are anathema to Libs, unfortunately. Their only definition of “ bad people” are Trump, Caucasians and Republicans. What a screwed up party of lamebrains the Dems are !
  12. Just for show. As for a new guy, they will give a title to someone already in the organization. I wouldn’t mind someone such as Jim Leonhard being brought in but don’t expect it at this point.
  13. Amazing ! These big bad triple threat extremist Nazi organizations stayed home due to press coverage eh ? That settles it - they’re clearly an existential threat to “ our Democracy.” What would the rest of us do without Dems and the lib press ?
  14. Well no, no it’s not. You of course, will never admit that. Carry on…
  15. In many Dem cities it is yes
  16. A check of the Police blotter would show that most days in Chicago are a day of hate anyway.
  17. And covered about 70 yards total for 21 of them in the process. The D got the job done that day.
  18. Then why watch at all ? Also, fixing the OL will take more than one move , so I chose the 1b WR
  19. Law abiding people have the right to buy guns , yes. Libs constantly work to ensure that criminals go free. When will they see that bad people are the problem, not a gun ? No one is a “ bad person” in liberal land. The gun kills no one on its own.
  20. Good thought , but will not happen. Especially in NYS. He will be coddled.
  21. Amazing that these mass shootings weren't a thing until we had a few decades of societal decay brought to you courtesy of the left. These dunces blame the GOP when an idiot shoots innocents with a handgun in a “ gun free zone” . Their stupidity knows no bounds. The gun isn’t the problem , Billsy. The scumbag is the problem. More incarceration is needed, not less.
  22. He surely has his habits , and it’s not a great sign that he didn’t change much as teams adjusted to his schemes. Hopefully he does some intense self scouting this offseason because the offense is the meal ticket to a SuperBowl win, not McDermotts defensive unit.
  23. What stood out the most to me was the answers that Reid has for Mahomes schemed into seemingly every critical play. The other is just how little the defense and pass rush meant in the game. Was it 3 quarters before a sack was registered? With an offensive mind like Reid, the opposing defense is sort of an afterthought. It will be defeated eventually. It doesn’t mean the Chiefs weren’t headed for defeat in the end, though. Just that it was apparent that emphasizing defense in constructing a team isn’t the way to go. Is Beane paying attention ? Sadly, the most memorable thing about the Super Bowl was the awful ending, courtesy of Cheffers and Co. All potential drama was sucked out of the game with a ticky tack flag that shouldn’t have been thrown - and wasn’t all night to that point.
  24. Maybe, maybe not. We’re going to find out. What will NOT happen is Andy Reid somehow becomes the HC of the Bills for the 2023 season. It seems like that’s what you want ( and who wouldn’t ?) but it’s not happening so what exactly would YOU like to see happen as far as the Bills are concerned?
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