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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. Not surprisingly , you’d be wrong on all counts fella’. You don’t see how BLM riots could change someone over to Trump eh ? You’re even more clueless than your posts would indicate. Run along now, slappy…
  2. Yep. So there’s that … Maybe not the best day for “ pride night “ at the Sabres game , y’know what I mean?
  3. Looks like the shooter has been identified as Transgender … first I’ve seen it confirmed. Anyway, this shooter is actually a man. Falls in line with a lot of other shootings now.
  4. Creepy old horndog … you must be talking about Joke Biden!
  5. True. Meanwhile their minds are being murdered.
  6. Secure the buildings ( seems it wasn’t or there was a breach) Armed Officer at the door etc. I’ll agree there’s nothing palatable about this. One thing that shouldn’t give is individual rights. Makes for a complex issue.
  7. So killers just become great people then , if not for the 2nd Amendment ? Sounds like a LOT of excuses for awful people.
  8. The excuses are those provided for criminals and their actions , not the Constitution.
  9. Doesn’t equal causation. The variables are cultural. Also explains the reason for the breakdowns of who is involved / responsible for “ most” shootings. The presence of a gun does nothing on its own. The constitutional right shall not be infringed. People much smarter than you - and me - decided this.
  10. No. However , banning all guns is simply not going to happen - nor should it.
  11. Her testicles ? Hahahahaha 😂😂 you know we’ve lost it as a society when “ her testicles” makes it into the report!
  12. No , they were killed by a crazed woman ( we think anyway) intent on killing someone that was able to access a building that (s)he shouldn’t have been. The weapon used changes nothing.
  13. But yet they never are.. it’s a catch all that could be most guns. That’s a non starter for obvious reasons.
  14. Again , consult a gun expert. There is nothing distinguishing about the weapon from many others , that is my point. It’s a broad term without specificity and that is usually the hang up in any potential legislation. It’s far too broad.
  15. I believe “ assault rifle” is an invented term that sounds menacing but has little basis in fact. I’m no gun expert but I’m sure there are others who can chime in.
  16. If they have to ask they ain’t black enough!
  17. A gun that can be used for hunting can kill people. We don’t even know that this shooter couldn’t have carried out todays bloodbath with just a handgun or two.
  18. Oh damn. I was thinking a jilted lover or a molested individual. Could be , but yes there’s much more to be discovered here.
  19. Couldn’t disagree more. You have access to guns. Perhaps you even own one. Are you shooting people ? I’m not either. A good person can have a gun in front of them yet never think about using it. You first have to admit that there are bad people. If you cannot do this, the inanimate object will always be the villain - which is preposterous.
  20. The moron was talking about ice cream or something at the start. Can’t believe this hare brained chump is the Prez.
  21. Constitutional right. Perhaps certain things can be done , but not that much. How much harder should it be for normal people ? Murder is illegal, yet happens every day. Criminals don’t follow laws, so it’s a fools errand in many ways. There’s no - for lack of a better term - “ magic bullet” here.
  22. Tell BLM to take the billions “ given “ to them and divvy it up!
  23. It didn’t create it on its own. Bad parenting is also a huge factor. Many factors at work here, but it’s largely a cultural problem. Guns have been available for a long time. A normal person isn’t inclined to commit murder just because they can.
  24. The gun is not the cause of any violence epidemic. Most of us can handle the fact that we have the right to possess firearms and that they are available. Violent psychopaths and lawless criminals cannot. Again, violence is a “ people” problem not a firearm problem. Sadly, the liberal subculture has created this lawless violent mentality. Anyone who passed through the public education system was exposed to it in recent decades. Some can handle personal responsibility and some cannot. As for Scandinavian countries , their culture is likely quite different than the USA. Do they stress racial wars, LGBTQ, etc in school and not actual performance? I doubt it.
  25. It was just a general question. I wasn’t referring to any Florida law and I’m not familiar with it. It’s a fine line , but the statue of David belongs in a school. A book describing a gay relationship does not imo. At least not until a certain age. Definitely not elementary or even junior high school.
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