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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. It’s legally flimsy and was already passed over by the DOJ. Fat Alvin had nothing new. He’s carrying out the wishes of his staff and his superiors- his campaign promise. The charges have little merit, particularly as felony counts. Nothing that the weapon used NYS judicial system decides will surprise me at this point.
  2. It’s a complaint that could (and should) easily be dismissed. To say anything more about it is splitting hairs. Particularly in NYC -with all that implies.
  3. You’re dealing with NYS, so any assumption of a bad case getting thrown out goes out the window. DA’s in NY throw out weapons charges for actual criminals. Let’s not be naive here. This is political targeting at its finest. The POS said he’d go after Trump and he did. Not really any other way to look at it.
  4. I agree , SC. I think the party would do better without their kind. They needlessly lose some folks.
  5. About the same worth as toilet paper, like the image of DA Bragg we see downthread… I’d utilize both as such.
  6. I chose R, but am mostly libertarian. That’s not realistic these days so R it is. In the past I might have chosen Independent. However, that means I’d at least give some consideration to the Democrat candidate. After 2016 campaign coupled with Covid and BLM riots , I doubt I ever will again.
  7. So true… insane to gin up a few accounting details and go to such lengths. TDS runs deep in NYS and with the corrupt Democrat Party.
  8. Completely by design courtesy of the $#£+hole NYS Democrat Party. Anti Trumpets are planted there to cause problems. NYC is an embarrassment.
  9. Ironic post … coming from one of the major dunces on the board.
  10. Stormed with no weapon…. I may be funny but you are a special kind of idiot… now crawl back to your SUNY $#%+hole.
  11. I Don’t believe in Satan - I’m an Atheist .. but believe what you will. You’re a lost cause anyway.
  12. I’m guessing you felt differently with BLM etc. You’re a sad excuse for a human. She trespassed that’s about it. Didn’t deserve to die - a common refrain from the left when they talk about an actual armed criminal.
  13. The only person killed at the unfortunate rally that got out of hand was an unarmed Trump supporter. You may even know her name. You would if she was at a BLM rally and got shot. How vile .
  14. Yep. What magically changed ? Donald Trump was on his way to re-election. They became obsessed and TDS took hold. Paper ballots that were never verified ( they fought AGAINST verification) were the meal ticket with a built in excuse ; “ there’s no evidence of…” Voting isn’t hard … in fact it’s ridiculously easy. You can vote in the morning , evening , on the weekend , early etc etc. No one needs to quit their job. What a lame argument.
  15. NYS spends more per pupil that just about anywhere else and the results are far from superior. Studies have shown that educational success starts in the home and that the quality of the family is the number one predictor of such success. Not ethnicity or where you live. It’s not the teachers or money. If you swapped the students from a “ good” school with those from a “ bad” school, I’d venture that the good would continue to succeed while the bad would continue to do poorly. Teachers can only work with what they are given. Culture and family values are central to educational success. Why do Asian- Americans continue to kick everyone’s arse when it comes to school ? Some want to discriminate against them because they’re “ too good “ ! That’s outrageous.
  16. Some cultures stress education in the home is what I mean. Others don’t. I don’t care where you live. The opportunity is there to succeed if one applies oneself. Some don’t. In America there absolutely will be differences in outcome. That’s what America is really all about at its core : freedom and the ability to achieve a better outcome than others through work. Don’t be fooled : they want electric everything. Listen and believe what they are telling you because they ARE telling you !
  17. Oh geez , there’s tons of early voting if you haven’t been living under a rock. Mail ballots should be requested and minimal
  18. As opposed to the USA’s plentiful natural gas that NY and it’s horse - faced governor are trying to get rid of right now… as opposed to the American oil that Biden couldn’t wait to close the spigot on. Are you paying attention ?
  19. Statistically we don’t all have to be. It’s pretty simple - focus on school. Get a job that has benefits. Adobe good habits , exercise take care of yourself. We live in the land of opportunity. Not the land of free stuff or the land where we make sure excellence is rewarded the same as mediocrity and failure. Sadly it’s trending in the wrong direction. There will always be gaps because of cultural differences. Some will succeed and others won’t. It’s just not someone else’s fault. A wise man once said “There are no failures of talent, only failures of character “ To realize this we must first acknowledge that there is such a thing as good and bad. If you sit and do nothing, 10 miles may as well be 500.
  20. Oh Ron, now you’re just being ignorant. I’ve gone to Trump rallies - no tiki torches though. Don’t consider myself old and certainly not oppressed- though I did live through Covid in the Communist Republic of NYS ( that was an eye opener) but not an “ oppressor “ either. Trump and his policies make a lot of sense. You just have to navigate through some of the extraneous stuff in his speeches. I see plenty of segments from liberal news or things like “ the view” the racist Joy Reid etc. Even local news is polluted with such garbage these days. Thank goodness for Fox News as I can barely stand to listen to the refuse on most other networks. You keep on with your party that can’t define a woman, thinks America is bad, and that America can run solely on electric power.
  21. We as a nation are already there, and have been for decades. The D’s and the left go way too far with it now , as they do with just about everything else these days. Just outrageous stuff that no self respecting individual could agree with imo.
  22. Hawk , I actually believe your first two statements here. The rest I can’t comment on, but yes I do believe it. Personally, I never thought I’d agree with or vote for Donald Trump. Until I did. I get that some folks don’t like him, but the other side got so crazy that you had to fight fire with fire. I was always pretty much an independent ; voted for George Bush , Clinton ( twice) etc. In todays climate , we all have key moments that turn us one way or the other. Cheers 🍻
  23. Respect 😂 Like they have for Joke ? You can’t be serious. Sadly, you probably are .You’re describing the Democrat party: wrong on everything but they tell you it’s right. Yes, it’s obvious now to anyone paying attention that the D’s despise Caucasians. Oh, many of them are White, but they have a case of self-loathing. Your inane, moronic posts have become rote. In the end , you’re just boring, Ron.
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