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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. It sure isn’t Joe Biden or Kamaltoe. We can all think of this guy or that to be President , but that doesn’t mean they will run. Besides, it’s not really a guy anyway. It’s a belief, an idea, a drive. For me, ( someone who laughed at the idea of Trump) it was a revelation following his campaign and listening to his rallies. He won me over because his ideas were the best. He wasn’t afraid to tell it like it is. He talked about things that no one else would. Id definitely vote for him again. I’d certainly vote for DeSantis if he’s the nominee. His handling of Covid in Florida was great and I visited there many times throughout. He’s different from Trump, but I think his policies would be similar. He hasn’t even declared yet so we will see.
  2. You think talk of civil war has to do with economics? It seems more about social issues than economics. Now there is a lot of silly talk about socialism among the younger more indoctrinated set, but we know such things are doomed to failure. We are a capitalist nation and would do well to get our focus back to it. That’s one reason we need Trump and his policies back. The Dems policies are causing much economic misery. How much is enough ? That’s not for the government to decide. It’s up to the individual.
  3. So if disclosed , your take on it then becomes that it was simply because Thomas is a “ swell guy” ? Of course , most of us on this board have strong partisan leanings. I’m not that concerned about “ appearances “ or feelz. We can generally predict where a Thomas or a Sotomayor is going to be on an issue without them disclosing where every gift came from.
  4. Not aware of it . I don’t know / agree with each and every viewpoint of every R politician and certainly don’t claim to.
  5. If someone does their job in a way that produces little to no radical change to something , is an agenda being advanced ?
  6. Lol…so some drivel in a lefty “ news” publication = “ most “ Republicans ? So laughable it’s not worth mentioning.
  7. It’s good to have wealthy friends. 500k to them is like a couple of nice high end dinners out for most.
  8. I am an atheist. However, what was cited here does not mean that our government must consist only of atheists. A Yew is a type of tree. No means well, No.
  9. I didn’t mention any “ gay / trans thing” Rather , I clearly stated “ gay/ trans books for kids …” . . I made no reference to authors .You struggle with comprehension …
  10. Nope. However, this type of thing is common in Washington and isn’t going away anytime soon. Who is more dangerous ? Someone who sees something great and wants to preserve it as is ? Or someone who looks at something great and wants to tear it apart, “ re imagine it “ or fundamentally change it from its original state because they think they “ know better “ than its creators ? Democrats do , but we’ve known that. Some of them view themselves as legislators and that’s unfortunate.
  11. Did I mention them in particular ? You’re a cementhead.
  12. She is quite simply, disgusting.
  13. Anyone who is being honest realizes that this type of thing goes on all the time in the higher strata of government. Those from both parties do it. If you don’t think so, you’re whistling past the graveyard. It doesn’t bother me because we are talking about a SC justice who understands the Constitution as written and wants to preserve it. The individual(s) in your example view the document as a merely a suggestion and no more than a speed bump on the road to destroying it - and our Nation. That’s a much more worrisome situation, so yeah I’d be upset about that.
  14. It’s NYS. They’ll increase with or without a new stadium.
  15. No, not BS. There are a some who want to try for such a ban, but it’s misguided ( imo) and has little chance of amounting to anything. It’s a States issue as far as I’m concerned. There are always a few at the fringes of these issues.
  16. Can’t disagree more with your “analysis” . This isn’t surprising as you’re clearly an idiot. Yes, most young women in WNY - college age + 1-10 years are liberal due to brainwashing throughout their education. They have little actual understanding of politics or how it affects them. The amount of such women “ protesting” the SC decision on abortion in BUF was incredible. It was if they had no idea that they were in NY - where abortion is guaranteed and always will be. The concept of the ruling putting the issue back to the States was lost on them. They tend to be pro BLM- also a deal breaker for those of us with a brain. In my personal experience - even with recent College graduates - the ones who shifted to Trump did so when they actually looked into what communism is , Marxism is and realized that BLM and the Dem party is Anti Caucasian. Anti - law enforcement is another issue, followed by Covid . It takes a strong personality to go against the masses and the weak minded at that time in one’s life. Generally women of that age want to drink and get laid, which is great. However they haven’t delved into political issues beyond what their wing-nut professors have spoon fed them .They believe the lie that being liberal is just what you have to be if you’re a “ good person”. Now, a lot of women are into older guys, and that’s all good for a hookup. If it starts getting more serious , yeah you have to go with the IQ test : If they’re into BLM or they’re Anti Trump - you’ve gotta ghost em.
  17. Libraries and books are great . Gay / trans books for kids ? Gross. Trump? Best US President since Reagan.
  18. Blah blah blah blah … it’s flimsy and pure legal weaponization. That’s it. Oh yeah, and you know you’re lying about Hillary. She paid a fine. We won’t even get into the other stuff with her. Who cares ? Probably nothing that isn’t all over Instagram, Tik Tok etc etc etc. Yep. Another Billsy
  19. I’m sure you’re busy banging the drum for Hillary to be indicted , no ? I doubt it. These types of things are common and simply don’t rise to the level of the sideshow being put on here. That’s why it’s never been pursued …ever. Trump is an outsider that is hated by the Dem ruling class. That’s the difference. This is an extremely bad precedent for our Nation.
  20. We should all be very concerned… weaponization of the justice system is upon us.
  21. That was dumb, but he’s got a point here. It’s pretty much over with this disgusting proceeding.
  22. There will never be “ evidence” about sins , but in general it’s pretty hard to argue with them. I’m not religious, but these things generally fall in the category of good/ bad and what not to do. That’s a pretty good guide for children, at least until they become young adults and can decide for themselves. We have freedom of religion in this Nation, and learning morals isn’t exactly indoctrination. Most religions don’t teach that killing is great, stealing is fine and men having sex with men / women with women is a great goal for society.
  23. Wow you are clearly a complete loser , though you at least admit it. Wonderful ? What did Trump policies do to you personally , I have to wonder. I mean, your TDS runs deep and you probably need psychiatric help.
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