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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. Unbelievable! These people need to be institutionalized; they’re certifiably insane. I’m talking about the politicians here lol
  2. C’mon Billsy, there’s lots of stuff you can’t do when you are a child that you can do once you reach adulthood. Even you can understand that.
  3. Taking away custody of the child because the parent doesn’t go along with their trans gibberish sure doesn’t sound like deferring to the parents.
  4. Nah, he’s fun to watch . He’s good, and as long as that’s the case fans will continue to watch. The sentiment among other teams fans usually sours once a title or multiple titles are won. They start to hate what was once a cool story. They get sick of it because it’s been done. Anyway, the fact remains that as long as Allen performs at an elite level and does things on the field that are athletically unique and incredible they’ll watch and watch again.
  5. You’ve got it wrong. The NFL is entertainment. Allen in an NFL game = lots of eyeballs watching screens. Fans - Bills fans, casual fans, other teams fans watch because Allen is entertaining.
  6. I don’t care if they agree or not. They are also free to think and do as they wish. However, there is nothing “special” about them , nor are their actions , relationship stays or activities within anything to be celebrated or recognized as such. Simple as that. They can think that heterosexual relationships / activities are gross but that doesn’t change the fact that it is the normal state of things. You can do a lot of things in the USA that you can’t elsewhere. That’s a great thing. We have days that recognize and celebrate that fact but they are usually derided as racist etc by the left. Christians are derided and disdained by the left. But hey, it’s not all of them so we should probably just ignore it .
  7. Still “ perverse” by definition. Don’t really care about procreation either as no one is obligated to do this. However , one cannot deny the obvious. Also, what is with the incredibly stupid practice on the left of defining everything as “ phobic” ? We all have things we like and don’t like. Things we approve of and that we do not. Things that we think are gross and kind of disgusting, and things that we don’t. Is one chocophobic if they dislike chocolate? What if you can’t stand Taylor Swift ? What if you dislike Caucasian people like the left does? Caucaphobic ? Obviously this practice/ tactic by the libs and media is moronic yet it continues.
  8. There is a natural order to things, and two individuals with the same …“equipment “ going at it is against that order. It certainly is contrary to the expected norm so it fits the definition of perverse. One doesn’t need to be religious or a scientist to figure it out. Now, should it be allowed and perfectly legal ? Sure. This is a free country after all. My issue is the celebration of this as something great. By sports teams, corporations ( though not in middle eastern countries etc so it rings quite hollow and is obviously about $$) etc. If you have a different opinion , even if you are a pro athlete the media will rail against you. Schools now try to introduce this “ pride” to children at an inappropriate age . Many parents find this offensive and an intrusion into their child’s upbringing. Again, the powerful elite don’t care. It’s a free country and all that and parades are fine. Never cared about them either way. The corporations et all should really stfu imo. At that point they’re making it everyone’s business. But hey, complaining is only acceptable these days if it comes from the far left.
  9. Lol… That JAX stadium is a garbage pit though. Far worse than the Bills current stadium imo.
  10. Of course religions are about spreading the word. My thoughts were not “ wrong”, rather I’m not a religious person so perhaps incorrect terminology was used. This however isn’t about simple terminology. Homophobe lol, now that’s lefty speak for one who dissents with liberal dogma. Fine, but acknowledge it for what it is : an attempt to redefine what is the natural norm. What behaviors would you say they’re “ into” .I’ve yet to meet anyone who was terrified of a homosexual individual. We are not in times where “ safe spaces” are needed in this country. We are not the Middle East etc. You must not pay much attention to the LGBTwhatever movement or perhaps you’ve missed the drag shows for kids or talk about sex toys with young schoolchildren. Or the corporations that push “ pride” in the USA because it gives them “ cred” but won’t do it in other countries. It’s quite literally the focus of the movement, not just a few. Anyway , is this type of “ pride “ really a great trait of humanity? One that should be celebrated and shouted from the rooftops ? Does it deserve its own month ? I’m going to say no.
  11. If that number is accurate, it would stand to reason that the most populous State had the most Trump voters. Still not a big enough group and that’s 6 million people that need to jump off that sinking ship while they have a chance. CA and NY are hopeless pits.
  12. They certainly do matter, even if they reliably vote for a certain type of candidate. Swing states are just that for a reason and it makes sense that they get a lot of attention. We’ve had both Republican and Democrat Presidents in recent decades so the system isn’t broken .
  13. So Catholicism or Christianity’s goal is to normalize unnatural or perverse sexual behaviors and introduce these ideas at an early age to children while getting that message out to the masses ? You are one strange individual if you think that. Some may hide their perversion behind the cloth of Christianity , but the overall movement of that faith is not perverse. Now LGBTwhatwver on the other hand , well perversion is the focus of that religion. Well, yes. LBGTQwhateveer is in that sense a religion of its own.
  14. Thank goodness the Founding Fathers were smarter than this. There is a reason they didn’t opt for a pure democracy. If you were being objective , you would see it. All the States need to matter. Pretty easy to see why.
  15. We are a Republic and ought to remain that way. A pure Democracy is too vulnerable to mob rule and bad ideas that have become fashionable.
  16. Wrong. It’s quite apparentbthat the entire “ pride “LGBwhatever movement is focused upon indoctrinating children at the earliest possible age when they are obviously very impressionable. You can pretend that doesn’t exist and try to extrapolate some other “ meaning “ out of it or try to convince yourself that it’s just being “ accepting” or something like that. Seems harmless enough but it’s clear that is not the case. Indoctrinating children is literally central to the core of the movement. It’s also clear that our grandmothers and grandfathers weren’t going to church to sexualize children. Look, the whole pride thing is born out of growing the group, adding to the cadre, making it seem like an accepted alternative. They try to make opposition seem socially unacceptable and one must go along to be part of the “ good group”. Your comparison is naive if not outright silly. Many a bad idea or movement owes it success to the apathy of conformism. LGBwhatever is one of those.
  17. Sure it is. One can practice the virtues of the Catholic faith while disapproving of wrongdoing by corrupt individuals within the Catholic Church. Catholic doctrine on its own is not corrupt. Honestly , what is good about a “pride flag” ,what it represents or those who extoll its virtues ? I can’t see it and again , I’m not religious.
  18. Which is why I completely approve of West entering the race. We don’t need an end run around the electoral college, and we certainly don’t need NY and CA - the two largest $***hole States in the US - deciding every election. Ranked choice etc etc is simply a way to silence or diminish conservative voices and States.
  19. Walsh’s opinion is fine. I’m an atheist, but even I can see that sexual abuse is not a part of Catholic doctrine. It certainly isn’t endorsed in the Bible that I’m aware of. There are creeps around us in all areas of life including the priesthood, education etc etc. Recruiting children does appear to be fully endorsed/ encouraged LBGBT +~whatever doctrine though. As a non religious person, your take on Walsh doesn’t appear to hold water.
  20. Nothing to see here ! The most secure election in human history. Don’t believe the big lie… the big biggy biggiest!
  21. Right? Perhaps they should have included a few ditties about the glory of gay sex or maybe dressed in drag. Then all good, I’m sure. Imagine the outrage if they pulled the plug on , you know an actual freak show?
  22. This stadium / pricing isn’t designed to be sold entirely to existing season ticket holders. I’m sure they’re confident about selling out, just to a different demographic.
  23. Bingo. That’s how this contract thing works in the NFL. Some fans just aren’t realistic when it comes to their team.
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