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Everything posted by Boatdrinks

  1. It’s just a bit early to tell, no ? Check back in around say, Thanksgiving and we will have a much clearer picture than after the second game of preseason.
  2. 1. The OL is suspect.. again. 2. Too many undisciplined penalties. It’s one thing to hold a guy so he doesn’t hit the QB, for example but most were not of that variety.
  3. Didn’t like the performance at all, but are we really complaining about play calling in a preseason contest ? It’s vanilla Vs vanilla and I don’t want to see anything close to what they might do on Offense in the regular season. I want to see the OL win 1 on 1 matchups , WRs catch the ball crisply and cleanly and very few penalties on both sides of the ball. Unfortunately that’s not what we saw tonight. A preseason game is not about adjustments etc.
  4. Pretty sure Mahomes has had less success vs Bengals Defense than the Bills. Of course saying the Bengals are better is the smart answer. Does it matter if he thinks the Bills are “ only” third best in the AFC ? No, it actually doesn’t mean squat in a game.
  5. Nope. The team stunk tonight, but they’ll be going against backups anyway and it proves nothing. Just not worth the risk.
  6. He’s unbelievably awful. Easily the worst President since the 1970’s. He’s barely a functional adult at this point. There was no Muslim immigration ban in the first place.
  7. Gay b***jobs would be considered pornography. As for Maus , I’m not certain. Who banned it ? From where ? What was the consequence of having it ? Seriously , we’re talking about kids who can get this stuff on Amazon, public libraries etc. There’s simply no good reason to make it available in a public school attended by minors. It’s not any more difficult than it is for anyone else. Just go vote. Both parties in all States gerrymander districts , just how it is.
  8. Wrong! The “ experts “ are largely liberal knuckleheads who don’t care much about education. They only care about woke. It hasn’t exactly worked well this far. Public education system has declined exponentially since their takeover decades ago.
  9. You’re right, best educate them in the ways of gay. That’s a tried and true path to success. What a knucklehead! Besides, who the €%## are you to decide anyway ?
  10. Public education should be about learning math , science, how to actually read and write (most kids are below grade level at this sadly ) so the next generation can compete in the world. Not about learning the wonders of gay sex and mastering pronouns. There is literally no reason to have most of these books in a school library. Kids can find their own porn on their own time. Many areas can barely get students to pass and have to dumb the grading down to achieve it. Yet Libs are worried about being schooled in the ways of gay. How ridiculous, and just another reason why they should be in control of nothing . Whatever they touch rots into a pile of fecal matter.
  11. Direct authority over children …. You mean people such as parents ? Sure, impressionable little minds should should learn the wonders of gay relationships and same sex b***jobs, at school , right ? This is not politics, just simply having some moral standards in what children are exposed to in school. They’re still free to seek out pornography on their own time . Dunce cap award to you again.
  12. It’s not any tougher for them. This is a myth perpetuated by partisan liars such as yourself. Parents should have a say in what their children can access at school. This is not the same thing as a public library or bookstore. It’s not any more difficult for those of one race to vote than another. The rules are the same for all. Once again you receive the PPP dunce cap award. Bravo !
  13. Tibsy in 3….2…..1
  14. Well, your stupid link to the NY slimes is requesting that I click on something to view it, which I will not do. However, I can see that these appear to be propaganda pieces over which books belong in schools (mostly ) attended by minors. Again, a book not being available in a school library doesn’t mean it is banned from being read. These books are readily available elsewhere and can easily be read by anyone wishing to do so. Calling these books “ banned” is a huge exaggeration and would be rated “ mostly false” by all but the most liberal of fact checkers.
  15. Republicans want to limit how you can express yourself ? What you can read? Watch ? These are complete lies that you utter. You are a simpleton! Not having a book in a school that is readily available on Amazon or a public library is not limiting what you may read or “ banning” anything. Not having drag shows involving small children or making someone else address you by “ your pronouns” isn’t limiting your expression. The stupidity is just incredible.
  16. Yep. Everything is racist and being White is an offense to the Democrat way of thinking. Amazing that morons like Riverside buy into the drivel. The education system has programmed an entire generation of bots in the last 20 - 25 years. Not what we were taught in high school and college in the 1980’s .
  17. Spoken like a true Democrat sheep. Some will have their access to private jets, the finest meats and however much energy they need. The rest will walk and ride bikes where “racist highways” once were, eat bugs and tofu charge their “ cars” on Tuesdays and Thursdays and run their air conditioning 5 days per month. Edit: while doing well financially , I don’t like seeing the collapse of American society around me. Some of us do care deeply about that .
  18. Just the response I would expect from an idiot. It’s actually the most complete answer because there is next to nothing pro American in the Democrat playbook. Perhaps I could come up with something pro American but I doubt it. You run along and cheer for your Dem cult that wants to decide what energy you can use, what you can drive , what appliances you may purchase for your home , what you can eat and ultimately what you can say and think. Sounds amazing.
  19. Everything
  20. Well, sadly the majority won’t. Intelligent people , however can see it plain as day. The radical ruling class left is on a mission to retain their power. They’ll implement their anti American agenda and destroy the nation in the process, and ***** anyone who dares to stand in their way !
  21. This is what it’s about. Sustained offensive success without depending on Allen to gain so many yards / first downs on the ground - or to absorb so many hits to get them.
  22. Saw a poll yesterday ( nyt maybe? ) that has Trump and Biden dead even. I don’t buy this Democrat talking point / spin that they want Trump as the nominee. He was miles ahead with the GOP base to begin with. They know he’s going to be the nominee so they’re interfering in the election with legally weak indictments to drain his money. Election interference is what they do. They also want to influence the middle of the road “ nothing” voter that believes the msm and their constant Democrat spin. They know Biden is an extraordinarily weak incumbent, but much of the USA is too dumb to notice. It’s all about their anti USA “ green” agenda - which makes most Americans lives worse. Biden was merely a puppet for getting that implemented , not a serious President. I never underestimate the stupidity of the voting public, but I still believe Trump or another Rep candidate ( aside from maybe Christie) is absolutely electable.
  23. Same here. Seriously , 4 more years of Biden and the USA as we know it is completely finished. These lunatics must be kicked out.
  24. I want Trump to win the Presidency again. After him, I’d say DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Scott. Absolutely not Biden or any other Democrat.
  25. Very cool story. When you consider that the Beatles were only a touring entity in North America between Feb ‘64 and August of ‘66 , it’s a pretty rare thing. Seeing both shows in one week had to be the height of live music at the time. The fact that audiences couldn’t hear the music above the screams was a huge factor in the Beatles retiring from live performance so early in their career.
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